Things I hate.... By SJ

I hate Ice! Driving along and suddenly your car is spinning side ways and all you can do is say oh shit.
I hate the smoking law that has been effect here on the islands since Nov 16th. First there was no smoking in public places except bars and private businessess. Ok, we can step outside and smoke. Now there's no smoking in anywhere that's in any building, partly covered parking lot, ect.. The only places we are allowed to smoke is in our homes, vehicles, and twenty feet away all windows, ventilation intakes, and doors.

With most places around here, the twenty feet rule would put all smokers in the middle of the road.

I know SJ loves this idea.

I hate that I'm unable to pass a law saying all smokers must stand in the middle of a high-speed expressway while trying to light-up. Preferably in the dark, with no reflective surfaces to make them even easier to hit.
I hate that some of the warped and twisted things that SJ say's I should not find funny, but I do ...I hate that most of them leave me laughing my ass off!
I hate Olive Oil from the old Popeye cartoons, talk about an incessant irritating bitch, seriously once the guy is there you can stop screaming for help in a whinny high pitched voice. Really does screaming help really work all that well ? No Change it up a little bit, I don't care with what, but stop with the consistent screaming of the same words in the same tone, that makes my ears bleed and my hands twitchy.

Another thing I hate Outlook express, Sure it was impressive back when the internet didn't exist, but not so much afterwards. What kind of antiquated bullshit system would force people to use that piece of trash program, My COLLEGE that's who. Yeah I tolerated reading a biography on Thomas Edison, then I had to write a summery of the book in under 75 words, now that officially sucked, and I was on a tirade about wanting to go back in time and drowned Edison for my own personal satisfaction, but NO someone had to demand we send in the summery via email, and from the campus system, and as its worth five percent of my grade I figured it would be a gay program like early hotmail, or yahoo, NO I get to play with Outlook, Which I seem to get hit with three hundred new emails on a program I have never even looked at for crap I have no interest in. Of course there's no easy way to flush all the messages other than open them one by one and delete them that way. Oh Yeah if you find someones drivers license mail it to the address on the damned license, or turn it in to the police do not send a campus email ninety times to everyone on the bastard campus directory. Lets all choose a Historical figure to go back in time and bludgeon to death!
Bludgeon your own national heroes. That man beat the Spanish Armada. I dunno, go back and kill Celine Dion or something.
Logicaly Lowthors first suggestion is a historical figure because she existed before today and made appearances in the news, although I would love to watch her suffocated with a match stick.

Oh I hate peach cobbler.
Here's what I hate, tax time. First you have to wait till the end of January to get your W2's, then spend lord knows how long to figure out what goes where, then double to triple checking to make sure everything is correct.

I've been doing my own taxes ever since I started working 12 years ago, and it's still a headache. I got my W2's this morning, and I e-filed them with a trusted company that I used for the past 4 years, and it still took me a couple hours to do them, having to go back and fix a few things or else I would of F**ed up. Every year it's the same, wait a long time to get the W2's only to spend a long time on them just so the IRS don't go junk-yard dog on your A$$, getting a headache and bugged out eyes just to see if you are getting money back or having to pay the government more money.
I hate getting a big tax return.

Why? because that means that the goverment is taking my money from me, holding it for the entire year, and then giving it back without any interest paid on the little 'loan'. If anyone here feels like that is fair, I'll make you the same deal. You give me $5 each week, and I promise to pay you back every penny you give me before April 15th of the next year. No charge! It will make you feel great, because you get all that money back, and it will make me feel good because I get to use all that money for whatever I want until the 15th. And If I'm smart, I can make money off of it.

Hell, i'll do you one better. I'll even give you 2% interest on it. My savings account gives me 5%, so i'll share the wealth.

Stupid government taking my money, and then sending it back to me, when its my money to begin with, and not even a thank you card. to hell with that noise.
I hate that I put a post in all caps and when I send it off it comes out with just the first letter of every word in caps...Stupid Thing!
I hate how people will send an e-mail or message you and their entire message is in caps. Even worse is text talk. I hate text talk. Now the occasional ROFL! I understand, but if after every sentence they say 'lol!' Then I really begin to wonder if they're mentally ill and really laughing out loud, or doing it just to look cool. Eitherway, they are all idiots.
I hate people who criticize the government. Especially if they're not going to do anything about it.

I get so sick of hearing people say "The government sucks." Well then you got three choices.

1. Leave.
2. Form a seperatist group and start a revolution.
3. Change the system from the inside.

I'll be the first to say that I'm guilty of complaining about politics (from time to time), but I vote, so I figure I'm doing something (even if it isn't assassination).
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