Things I hate.... By SJ

I don't deny that you were included in the group of people i was thinking of when I wrote it, but you aren't the only one. It wasn't an attack against you. Its just me venting frustrations from many sources.

And I thought Paranoia was the opposite of trust?


I hate being constrained by resources.

In my job, my single greatest enemy is time. I have a million things which need to be done, and I don't have enough time for all of them. And I will never get enough time. Thus, I must prioritize, and that means that some things go undone. I hate not being able to do it all.
I hate people who feel the need to trash someone behind thier back for having the guts to do something the trash talker doesn't and never once have the nerve to say it to that person... People in glass houses should never toss the first stone....
I hate waking up, checking the boards and finding that people are at each others throats again, and not having a clue why.

I also hate what happens to me the morning after going out for a few beers.
*Builds a smoke shealter*...On with the ranting SJ

ya know, i'm totally cool with that. If you can build a building that is air-tight, and purify any of the smoker's fumes before circulating it back into the air that the rest of us breathe, then by all means, let people smoke away.

I don't hate smoking by itself for itself. I hate it because your choice to smoke affects those around you. If you are addicted to chewing tobacco, thats fine. As long as you don't spit it on someone else, then I've got no problem with you. I think you are stupid, but thats just my opinion, and doesn't have much relevance.

I hate when someone's stupid decision causes pain and suffering to other people besides the stupid decision maker.
I hate the tobacco companies for putting all the nasty things in cigarettes that makes them so addictive and adds to their carcinogenicness (made up a word again, eat that, Dubya).

I also hate people that don't have enough respect not to smoke them around non-smokers and especially parents that smoke like a freight train around their children.
I hate it when other people try and tell me how to live my life. I hate when you show respect for others but they are to much of an ass to do the same. I hate false friends, those who only want to be one to you for some sort of personal gain. I hate people who take pleasure in someone else's pain. I hate when the tempature goes above 70'. And I hate that I seem to be in a hateful mood today.
I hate it when people get self-righteous about "people who enjoy watching others suffer." When you're sadistic (like me), it's such a buzz-kill.

I hate that people are naive enough to believe that any type of human relationship, with the exception of parent-to-child, is anything other than an exchange. Thus making the idea of a relationship (of any kind) that was not entered into for personal gain (even if it's mutual personal gain) an impossibility.

And I hate the fact that I'm feeding off UnHoly's hate and enjoying it.
I hate that smokers are being forced slowly to become a second class citizens in the US. Sure our smoke can kill us, and we can die , get cancer, bleed from our throats, but still there are the lies. Second hand smoke does not kill people especially in a large room where the air is circulating. Second hand smoke cannot kill you because it disperses from a high concentration to a low till its negligible. Now Second hand smoke can kill someone with very sensitive Asthma in a closed space, but again its a rarity.

I hate the propaganda that is pushed on things like cigarettes, Marijuana , and Mushrooms. Just because it goes against someones morals or perhaps sense of smell it becomes EVIL. Now sure I'll admit that smoking cigarettes will kill most people if done for a prolonged amount of time and in higher consistency. However that can be true of almost all substances found on earth. Humans are fragile get over it.

Jai I agree with you about the additives, its bullshit, what's worse is companies that actually don't add anything to their cigarettes other than paper, tobacco, and a filter have to charge twice the price of the standard toxin loaded cigarette, because they are not exported everywhere.

What I really hate when it comes to cigarettes is the price. You wanna talk about being screwed over, cigarettes direct from the company that makes them Philip Morris for instance with out Federal, and state Taxes in Colorado would be a dollar twenty something, where as with all the taxes they are four dollars and ninety eight cents. Yeah after being screwed like that I need a cigarette.
Dunno about in the US, but cigarettes get really taxed highly, but then they need the money to fund the lung and throat cancer treatment for smokers on the NHS.
Second hand smoke does not kill people especially in a large room where the air is circulating. Second hand smoke cannot kill you because it disperses from a high concentration to a low till its negligible.

That is such bullshit. Smoke disperses, yes. But it disperses through the entire room, and entire house. Circulation helps, but it doesn't eliminate the problem.

2nd hand smoke is the entire reason why smokers are becoming the second class citizens. Its not because we care about smoker's health. The fact is that a smoker's choice causes problems for innocent bystanders. fucking hell... if you want to get cancer, go ahead. just don't make the rest of us pay for your medical bills, and don't give it to anyone else. Switch to chewing tobacco, and you can get your nicotine fix in any public place you want. They haven't banned it at bars, or restaurants, or anything like that. Just remember to spit properly, and you won't be bothered at all.

I hate false truths. Trying to devillify the side effects of smoking is just plain dishonest.
I hate when new information is published on a topic that was so muddled that it seemed improbable to gain a single hard fact based arguement. So I'll conceed to Sj's point on the premis of SIDS, but maintain that Cars, and industrial entitys are far worse, than the fourty million smokers in America.

I also hate it when Anti-smoking groups say they are doing it for me. (You may not say it SJ, but others do oh yes! They feel they have the right to tell people how to live and die, because they are so perfect)
(Man, I'm gonna catch a lot of flak for this...)

I hate that my generation is a generation of men raised (predominantly) by women. I'd like to point out that I am in no way stating that women are inferior to men and I don't feel the need (nor desire) to explain myself any further.
Inspired by the Security Gatita, I hate all the veiled and vague hatred directed around here.

And I hate that all of this hate is feeding me. ^_^
I hate it when things change and then I find my efforts unacknowledged.

I'm starting to hate this thread...I'm nearly hated out for someone of my calibre.
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I was speaking of r/ a matter of fact all my hate statements are from r/l...No one here is worthy of my all consuming hate lol
I hate the smoking law that has been effect here on the islands since Nov 16th. First there was no smoking in public places except bars and private businessess. Ok, we can step outside and smoke. Now there's no smoking in anywhere that's in any building, partly covered parking lot, ect.. The only places we are allowed to smoke is in our homes, vehicles, and twenty feet away all windows, ventilation intakes, and doors.

With most places around here, the twenty feet rule would put all smokers in the middle of the road.

I know SJ loves this idea.
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