Things I hate.... By SJ

I hate feeling like I died over night but out of habit got up to face another misreble day.
I hate trying to wake someone up that has that problem and they get pissed off at you for "waking me up wrong" but they never tell you HOW to wake them up. It's been 4 1/2 years, hun. I'm not gonna figure it out. Can I have a hint?
I hate poo.

Yes, you feel better after you release it from your own bowels, but anyone with kids can tell you, one of the worst parts of the day is realizing your diaper toting tot is the source of the stench in the air.
I hate parents who feel they must share their dirty diaper stories with those of us who are smart enough to not get someone pregnant or get pregnant ourselves.

If I wanted to know what its like to have to change someone else's kid's dirty diaper, I'd adopt.
I hate real estate. After spending two years investing, it endlessly has kicked us in the teeth until we've become responsible for three different mortgages of homes that we never want to live in. F'king crashing market.
WAIT! Even worse: I hate realtors. I don't specifically hate the person, but the idea of a realtor. Standard commission for a realtor is 3%. Here's the kick in the balls. Let's say you have a home for $550,000 that you're trying to sell. You get a realtor. They put it on the MLS. Another realtor comes along with their client and goes 'hey! we want to buy that house!' So now you have a selling agent that did nothing more than put the house on the MLS (standard cost of $500.) who suddenly earns $16,500. THEN you have the buyers agent who also gets a standard 3%. THREE PERCENT of your equity. Before you know it, instead of grossing $550,000, you're paying out $33,000 in commissions. Suddenly you're making $517,000 and now you have to bring money to the table to even pay of the fucking loan without clearing any money.

What a fucking joke.
Well the crashing real estate market is quite good for us. We're going to be buying our first house soon. Buyers market for the win! Sucks for you though, sorry 'bout that.
Okay... this is an extremely entertaining thread I simply can't stay out of.

I hate... wait for it.... waaaait for it...

Michigan. I hate M*ch*gan. The team. The school. The colors. The fight song. I hate them. HATE them. >.>
The state is fine... once you get past the stink of Ann Arbor.

They're cocky... *narrows her eyes* and eeevil.
I hate false friends...If you don't want to be friends with someone, fine so be it, avoid them...but don't fake it then talk crap about them to others and expect the listener to understand why you call them your friend in the first place!!
I hate false friends...If you don't want to be friends with someone, fine so be it, avoid them...but don't fake it then talk crap about them to others and expect the listener to understand why you call them your friend in the first place!! I can relate to that Sinful.

I hate assholes. People whose only joy in life is to make others misreble.
And I hate those assholes who are only truly happy when they feel they have crushed someone else!
*Is glad someone else relates*
Try having a false friend who is an asshole who only gets their joy from destroying other peoples lives. WE were forced out of North Dakota because of a person like that, and she was manipulative enough to tear one real friend from us. She tried with others. They weren't as easily swayed. Still, GRRR
I hate people with allergies.

Do you know why you have allergies? Because the stupid fuckers in charge won't let you die. They keep making it easier for you to avoid the things that make you allergic. That way, you get to live a long life. Well, as much of a life as can be expected when you have to constantly worry about setting off your allergy.

Lets assume that life includes reproducing. Guess what? Now your kids have allergies and they need to avoid the same things you did. Good job on fucking up your kids life by passing on your bad genes. Now they have to be as fearful of a candy bar, or plastics, or whatever else as you were.

What? You say you married someone who also has different allergies? Well great. Now your kid has both your allergies and your mate's. Congratulations. You're kid now has to avoid half of the things on earth. You're grandkids are going to live in a fucking bubble. Great way to live isn't it?

These fuckers who are allergic to peanuts need to get shoved into a fucking Planter's packaging factory, and locked in until they cease to exist.
Something tells me SJ doesn't have any allergies...or have anyone close to him who has any. (BTW, being lactose intolerant is an allergy)

I don't either but, kinda judgemental wouldn't you say, SJ? And, for the record, both of my parents have allergies, I have nothing. My wife has allergies, neither of my kids have any. My sister in law has allergies, only 1 of her 3 kids have them. You, my friend, are WRONG!!! :p

I hate Boo Bah! With a burning passion that rivals the intensity of a thousand suns. The show is nothing but a bunch of colorful high pitched fuzzy creatures who make strange sounds and display bright flashing scenes with quick takes that are sure to give a kid seizures.
I hate pollen. Every summer I sneeze from dawn unti dusk. Thats an allergy, but I don't think it'll kill me any time soon.
I am highly alergic to bee-stings, inherited from my father. My mother is allergic to Penacillin. My sister inherited a mild allergy to it, but nothing bad.

I hate people who make assumptions.
I hate endearing pet-names from women who are not my girlfriend at the time.

If I introduce myself to you as SJ, don't call me 'sweety', or 'honey', or 'babe'. it makes my skin crawl.

non-endearing names i can usually handle. I employ these myself sometimes. I call guys 'bro' and gals 'kiddo' but never 'darlin' or something like that.
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