Things I hate.... By SJ

Assholes. Two guys tried to mug a woman today in the parking lot in broad daylight at work. The police caught them but come on! What the hell did she ever do?
Hmmmm ~Looks at Charm~ So you hate the internet, but you're using the internet to say that you hate the internet.Isn't that being a hypocrite?
i hate hypocrites!

hypocrites need to die a painfully ironic death.

stupid hypocrites.

But in this case, I don't think saying you hate the internet on the internet is hypocritical. Ironic, yes. But not hypocritical.
That's the word I was looking for. Thanks SJ.

I hate it when people say, "Why haven't you come to see me?" Basically the city my family lives in and the city I live in are separated by 300 miles of I-15. My response? "I-15 is not a one-way street, you know. If you wanted to come see me, you can always drive down."
I hate people who can't spell.

If you have a high-school diploma, and you can't spell properly, you need to go back to grade school. I can understand people who make the occasional typo with a difficult word, but if you have over 3 typos in any given paragraph, you are illiterate and need to be beaten with a dictionary by a large man with a handlebar mustache named Webster.

I'd love to build a program that sends an electric shock through your keyboard anytime you spell a word incorrectly. That would be awesome... I'm tired now. goodnight.
I hate chat-room novelists.

Some people believe that in order to RP well, you must write long posts that describe everything in vivid detail. I don't mind these types of posts in a message board RP. Thats a good place for them. But these should not be posted in a chat room.

A chat room has limited space, and multiple posters all typing simultaneously. If you type a three-page document and post that to a chat room, there is no way anyone is going to read it. And furthermore, I'm going to get pissed off at you because you just scrolled all the stuff I was trying to read right off the page.

The chat room RPer should not be making posts longer than 1 paragraph. If you take up more than 1/3rd of the entire chat window, then you are typing too much for a single post. Break up your post into small chunks, and post them over a longer period of time. This helps the room flow easier for everyone. Plus, it gives people time to react to your actions as well.

Don't be a chat room hog. Play nice and use smaller paragraph sized posts.
I hate these moments where I am sitting down feeling good and suddenly it feels like I'm falling backward, and I get weak.
I hate people who are invisible on messenger clients.

If you don't want to talk to people, then don't sign on to your messenger. What? You say you want to talk to someone specifically, without being bothered by everyone else? Well then set your status to 'busy' or 'do not disturb'. And if you find that there are people who can't respect your wishes for non-disturbance, then delete and block them from your list.

Or put me on your visible list. I don't send you mass messages, and I don't contact people for stupid shit. But when I want to talk to you, I have a reason for it, and I'd like to know that you are available.
Which reminds me....what did you want me for?!!!!! LOL I'm only on invisible when I am not at my home which is the same as logging off really I guess. In any case, I hate when people have favoritism at work and are blatant about it. And I hate stupid people who cant press the power button on a tv and the av button on their remote to finally see their cable box signal ehem....
I hate people who describe their eyes as 'pools' in RP. You do not have a pool in your face. You have eyeballs. When you turn your nose into a diving board, then you can call your eyes pools.

Okay... props to the bartender for making me giggle aloud.

Oh...uumm... I hate.. okay, I hate American Idol. I hate that I watch it anyway. I hate that I get invested under protest and then feel disappointment when my boys lose. I hate that at the finale every year, I say, "I'm never watching this crap again," until 3 months later when it's randomly on again.

I hate that I'm watching it right now.
I hate Comcast Tec support personel...and I hate fights

I hate customers who call me saying they called them when they told them that the problem was with our tv. (I work for Philips/Magnavox btw) 99% of the time Comcast is just giving them the runaround.
I had a client who made an appointment on the 12th for 9 am. She didn't show up. Instead she showed up on Tuesday at 9 am and called me because I wasn't at the office. I was like, "Yeah Monday, the 12th" and she was like "But today's the 12th. I wanted to slam a calendar into her face. Then we rescheduled for 12 pm today and she shows up at my office at 9. Sorry chief....wrong again. I hate it when people don't write down their appointments. I hate when appointments stand you up, and even more, I hate it when you leave a message and nobody ever calls you back.
I hate loud commercials. I can turn my TV up full volume and still barely hear the actual show I'm watching, but when a commercial comes on, it rattles the windows.
I don't know what's worse, loud commercials, or the shows that change volumes so drastically that you have to constantly change the volume depending on the scene so you don't wake the kids up in once scene, and so you can hear it in the next
I hate that the human race cannot accept responsibility for it's own shortcomings. I hate parents who find it easier to blame music, RPGs, movies and video games for the fact that their child is an idiot, rather than blaming themselves for being bad parents. I hate that the world is full of idiots with Phd's spouting nonsense and I hate that there are other idiots out there who turn the good doctor's books into bestsellers because they aren't able to think for themselves. I hate people who aren't able to evaluate the facts and then form an opinion without having someone tell them what that opinion should be. I hate Oprah. I hate Dr. Phil. I blame them and others like them for the idiot society we now live in. I hate Oprah and Dr. Phil fans. They are the ones who bash on Nirvana, Tool, Godsmack, etc. for their lyrics and claim they have destroyed their children when in reality, it's the idiot parents. I hate people who spout the bullshit that guns kill people. No, fools, people kill people. And people were killing people before the invention of the gun. I hate people who spell "liek dis rite hear" then try to debate with me about something. Take an english class, then get back to me moron. I hate people who blame the public school system for their lack of education. I went to public school and have an extensive vocabulary and probably a decent IQ. Educate yourself if your school won't do so. I hate idiots in the South who give the rest of us southerners a bad name. I think, in general, I hate people, because, in general, I find that the majority of them are under educated idiots who "don't need no schoolin'" or over educated idiots who think that books can tell you how to raise a child and live your life.
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I don't know what's worse, loud commercials, or the shows that change volumes so drastically that you have to constantly change the volume depending on the scene so you don't wake the kids up in once scene, and so you can hear it in the next

I hate customers who call in about that since our tvs have the feature to regulate the volume for them....ehem. I also hate people who hate on video games and other media simply to find a scapegoat for their own ignorance and incompetence. Oh....and I hate ipods....period
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