Things I hate.... By SJ

I hate Banks, and their stupid security measures.

I recently moved, and now I've got 3 fucking forms that I need to fill out in order for them to recognize my new location, or else they won't send me new mail.

This is quoted from the letter I got.

"Our records indicate that we presently do not have your correct mailing address. In order to ensure proper delivery of important statements and documents, we must have your written authorization to change any bank records.


We will be unable to forward any future mail to your new address until we receive the signed Customer/Account update form."

This was sent to my new address.

The address that I gave them, when I was online, signed in to my secure account, with my name and password.

These people are fucking morons.

The first form already has all of the information on it except for my phone number. My phone number did not change! Its the same phone number I've had for years! I can understand if they want me to sign the document and return it. I can do that. I can cope. But these idiots can't keep track of the information they've already got.

Oh, and lets see what the other 2 forms are that they want.

Credit Card Maintenance. They want me to fill out the number of my bank card. Why? They've already got it in their forms. I shouldn't have to send them information they already have.

Internet Banking Maintenance... The internet was how I told you I had a new address to begin with. Clearly, that is working just fine.

I'm not sending this shit back. They've got my address. They've got my phone number. They can suck my dick if they want anything else from me.
Why is it that whenever this particular thread goes dull for a while, we can always count on SJ to liven it up again?

Anger management bro. Look into it.
I hate people who refuse to speak proper english when you correct them. Various people in my immediate atmosphere will say things such as "writ" for "wrote" and that pisses me off. I'm TELLING you how to say the word right so that you don't sound like a complete DUMBASS!

I hate people who claim that they are unable to learn and then in the next sentence express that they made bad grades in school because they slept in class. Either you ARE a complete IDIOT who cannot learn or you are just LAZY and unwilling to learn. It doesn't go both ways.

I hate people who ask for help and then, when you offer it, get offended. Either you WANT me to help you study/speak properly/spell the word correctly or you DO NOT WANT ME TO HELP YOU! If you don't really want my help and want to continue to act, speak and live like a completely incompetent fool then DON'T ASK ME TO HELP YOU!!!

I hate people who make a mistake and then act like I'm the one who made it. If we're arguing a point and I prove you wrong, YOU ARE WRONG! Don't give me some bullshit about how "technically" you were right and I was wrong because the moon was aligned with Venus and blah blah blah. GROW UP!
I hate doctors, supposedly some of the smartest people on the planet, who misdiagnose you so that when you go back for the SAME problem two months later the "small inconvenience" that you went in for originally has blown up into this giant catastrophe.

I hate hospital gowns and paper "vests" that nurses lay out for you to wear. You need an instruction manual just to unfold the "vests" so that you don't tear them and hospital gowns reveal everything for the eyes of the prying world.

I hate sitting in the waiting room, thinking all is well and good, only to have the person next to you who is coughing up their left lung lean into you and hack their germs all over you. Respect my space, gah damn it!

I hate sitting bare assed in a room only for a doctor to come in and stick their cold ass hands on my various body parts poking and prodding without regard for my discomfort. Blow in your hands, buy a heater, or just keep your gah damn hands out of the freezer you BASTARDS!
Normally, I would have to jump on someone's ass for offering help in the hate thread. Its a hate thread, not a help thread.

So I hate myself for offering help in the hate thread. I guess that follows the rules.

Ok, so, the paper gown thing... Here's what you do... Take your shirt off. Um... you are female... bra too, i suppose. Hmm.. Don't know if boobs will alter this or not, but for guys, take the shirt off. leave the pants on. Put the gown on over the pants. Only take the pants off when the doctor and you are in the private little room, and you aren't walking around all over the building with your ass hanging out all over the place. If you are unusually un-modest, strip down to your underwear. and only take that off when you get to the examination room with the doctor. Tell anyone who complains that if they take off their underwear and walk around in one of the gowns with you, then you'll be more than happy to accomodate. See how much they bitch then.
Meh. We women get stuck with vests that just bare the upper part of our bodies for the doctor to get easy access to our breasts. However, if there is even the smallest tear, the whole thing is pointless. I'd rather just take off my shirt and let her look her fill.

I hate liars who try to justify themselves by getting technical. There is honesty and there is deceit. Either you're telling the truth or you're not. It's that simple. There is no in between.
I hate that I have been waiting for about a month now to find out why I have a goddamn pain in my side. I hate that test show other stuff going on but there is still no explanation for the pain. I hate when the doctor treats you as just another object and not a human being who is depending on him to help you. I hate that I Still am in pain with no answers.
i r - three in a row. wow. I'm impressed. That even beats SJ.
u h- patch adams is a great movie. watch it

I hate gas. You always get it at the worst possible time, and more often than not, for me anyway, you haven't even eaten anything that's supposed to produce such an effect. I'm sure there's some benefit to stinking up a space with noxious fumes. I just don't know what it is.
I hate driving.

The very moment they come out with a car that will drive itself, I'm buying one. I don't care if I go in debt up to my ears. I'm getting one of those cars that drives itself, so I can just hang out in the passenger seat, tap away on my laptop, and catch up on my email, instead of losing all that time to the damn commute.
I also hate Rhysis for his inability to count, or do complete research... I'm not sure which yet.

However, on page 1, I started this whole thread out with 4 in a row.
And I hate sleep. Sleep sucks.

I would rather stay awake and use all the extra time i save on sleep by being productive. yay for 8 hours of productivity.
We all know you hate me, SJ. It's a fact of life. But you're right, I was wrong. You still hold the title. Better luck next time!
....How do I even get along MILDLY with SJ?
Hates driving and sleeping? How can you want to work that much?

Me? I hate myself. I loathe my lack of self discipline. I am disgusted by my lack of ambition, drive, or will to get myself even just out of this rut that I live in.
I hate my fleeting moments of self-assurance which crumbles when something simple and easy comes along. I get pissed every time someone tells me, "so just change"....
NO SHIT ASSFUCK! If it were just as easy as flipping a fucking switch, I wouldn't be in this situation! No, I'm not a happy person. No, I can't just do the same shit you do, and have everything work out you moron.

I am sick and tired of being afraid of everything that is wrong with me. I want to know what is wrong in my head, but I'm more afraid to find out. I want to get my ingrown toenail fixed, but I'm afraid to find out that there could be something worse.

On less depressive, antiself notes:

I hate the current music industry. Not RIAA, but the bullshit being spewed out by the buckets that people are all too happy to turn themselves into glutteons for. The industry finds something "catchy" and then scours wherever to find anyone else with a sound similar to rake in cash. It's not about music, it's not about art; it's about selling a product to make rich people ever more rich. Why? I can't even fathom.
But it is making it hard to find anything that I actually like these days.

I hate how I am resisting going to sleep without a single reason...weird eh?
I hate people who think they can verbally abuse women and then treat it as nothing when people like me try to be the chivalric intevener!
I hate people who think they can verbally abuse women and then treat it as nothing when people like me try to be the chivalric intevener!

I hate people who are abusive period. Abuse shouldn't be okay. It should be intolerable. I also hate the people who know the abuse is happening but when you turn to them for help, they "don't want to get invovled" cause it's "none of their business." Society needs to grow some fucking balls.
Ah but doing that would also require us to shut the ef up about political correctness, and considering it's only not okay to be racist if you're white, sexist if you're male, outspokenly religious if you're Christian, opposed to another sexual orientation if you're straight, etc...I don't see that ever happening.

btw, I hate political correctness.
I really fucking hate the police and fire department this morning.

Around the place where I work, there are five gas stations in very close proximatey to each other all within this one block radius. Also in this area every business including where I work all have very large propane tanks fueling these businesses. Even the gas stations are fueled by propane tanks. Around this area are many homes, and majority of these homes are also supplied by propane.

Our store's tank is approximately twenty feet long and four feet high, and holds around 300-500 gallons of propane. If this tank goes off, our entire store is decimated. Our store is also on top of a few businessess whose ceilings house our propane lines for our store.

Well this is all a major disaster waiting to happen, and one just about did this morning.

While I was working one of my graveyard shifts which I really don't like, around 2:30am local time, a car swerves out of control on the road and smashes directly into one or our area's gas station propane tanks. Luckily an explosion did not happen, but a gas leak did. The police and fire department quickly responded to the accident.

If the car did cause the gas station's tank to explode, the explosion would of chain reacted with every tank and gas staion within the entire area, and rupture our store's lines causing our tank to go off as well. The explosion would of been declared a major disaster area from a blast that would demolish 5-6 city blocks.

Their first action was to keep the tank from exploding, and at the same time evacuating every place of business that is open in this area. They even evacuated all five gas stations and had them shut down due to the extreme high danger risk.

What really pissed me off about this entire situation was that we were the only ones that were not evacuated!!!!!! HELL, WE WERE NOT EVEN NOTIFIED OF THE ACCIDENT!!!!!!!! We saw the police cars and firetrucks, but thought it was a regular car accident which would cause the road to be blocked off.

We did not even find out about what happened till a couple hours later!!!!!!! We found out from two people, one who went to get some food to eat and were told that we were open, and one who was there when the accident happened.

That is so un-fuckingly unbelievable!!!! The emergency services knew we were there and working yet did not bother to evacuate us nor even notify of this potential disaster!!!!!!!!


I'm very grateful there was no explosion, but I'm really hating those stupid moronic fuckers called the Police and Fire Department at this very moment.
Your lines probably don't share a direct connection with the others, would be the only reason I could think of.
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