Things I hate.... By SJ

Behind a spoiler for alot of cursing. And, just for the record, this isn't about anyone here, so don't go getting all offended if you read it. In fact, if you ARE easily offended, don't even read it at all.

I hate stupidity in all shapes and forms. I hate not being able to have an intelligent conversation with someone simply because they are too stupid to even comprehend the meaning of simple words and phrases. I hate that the majority of people I encounter on a daily basis are complete idiots who, when hearing a word such as "miniscule," give me a blank stare because in spite of their oh so important "college degree" a mere high school graduate has more brains than they do.

I hate that because I was bored in school and had a low GPA, I can't get into a university, when people I know who don't have half as much intelligence as I are accepted every day. I hate that people who think that "assess" is a dirty word and pronounce it "asses" then ask the meaning of the word are accepted into college, but, when someone like I, who likes to think she is reasonably intelligent and knows for a fact that she is not a complete MORON applies for college, they refuse based on a GPA that shouldn't matter considering the above average scores on standardized tests for both state and the nation.

I hate that little stupid girls who are knocked up at 16 and going to a "special" school have the nerve to tell people that I am a stupid whore, when in reality, she is the stupid whore because at least I graduated high school BEFORE I got fucking pregnant and I didn't ride the fucking short bus to get there.

I hate idiots. In general. In particular. I hate hypocrites who have the nerve to judge me without looking in their own fucking closet to make sure there are no skeletons there. If you want to fucking trade insults, at least make sure that they fit the person you are insulting. If you want to fucking pass judgement, at least make sure that your judgement is fucking sound BEFORE you open your big fat fucking mouth and try to tell me how to live my life and say that I am not as smart as you. Motherfucker, I'm probably SMARTER than you.

I hate fucking men who randomly IM you to chat and then ask you to strip on webcam. I WILL NOT take off my fucking clothes for you and every time you ask me, I want to fucking MURDER your stupid ass. I hate men who fucking IM you on a RP character and ask if that's really your picture, even if it's OBVIOUSLY drawn. Yes, motherfucker, that's REALLY ME! People must confuse you for a fucking billboard all the time, considering that you are a two dimensional person. Obviously that's why you're asking me this. Because in 2D you can't possibly have a fucking brain in your head! YOU FUCKING MORON!

I hate LITTLE BOYS who IM you for cyber sex. STOP FUCKING ASKING ME TO GET YOUR ROCKS OFF! I'm not going to cyber with you. Grow up. Get a girlfriend. Even when I was a teenager, I didn't cyber, so why the fuck would I start now? Go rent a porno. Or better yet, cruise the internet. There is FREE PORN all over the place. I WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN YOUR WILLY WHACKING SESSION! Get over it. And when I tell you no, DO NOT expect to curse me out and then wonder why the next time you log on I won't pretend like nothing happened and still be your nice little friend. In addition to this, if you are female and bisexual or lesbian or pretending to be either/or I will NOT fucking cyber with you either. STOP FUCKING ASKING ME TO DO THIS BULLSHIT!!!!!

I think that covers it. For now anyway.

Edit: I hate being so mad because of idiots that I am physically drained from having to rant about it.
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I hate people who post to the hate thread, without anything to hate on. *glares at Rhysis*

Additionally, I hate tangerines.

I mean, what the fuck is up with Tangerines? Are they like wanna-be oranges? Why can't they just admit that they wish they were as cool as oranges, and then commit suicide. I hate it when I get a tangerine, and bite into it thinking its an orange, and then I have to spit the nasty shit out and punch someone in the face for supplying such a discusting fruit. If I was an orange, I'd go all nazi and start trying to purify my race of all the impurities that Tangerines represent. I'd totally be lining the little fuckers up for a shower.

stupid stupid tangerines...
I hate that because SJ hates people who post in the hate thread with out anything to hate on,I'd have to start a new thread just so I can tell Illogical_Reality that I understand her rant and back her on it!!!
And I hate my head cold!!
There...I ranted a hate and told her! :p @ Rules
I hate people who don't seem to understand the difference between sharing a hate, and not hating.

Seriously, people... Its not that complicated.

If someone posts a hate post and you hate it to, you can say 'Hey, I hate that too!' or whatever. thats fine. but something like 'Wow... that was... enlightening' adds nothing to the hate thread.

Now, i hate you both even more because i've had to come back and explain myself.
I hate the majority of humanity. I also hate mowing the lawn because someones worried its gotten too long and you can still see the track marks from when you did it three days before, and that between the front and back lawn you never have to empty the bag.
I hate my husband and the way he treats me. I hate the selfish way he is. I hate the way he thinks my emotions and feeling stupid. I hate my marriage. And it shall end.. soon.
I hate people who get married without realizing what they are getting into. Men and Women.

I hate how everyone makes such a big deal over same-sex marriages.

I hate that marriage, which is a religious union, is somehow sanctified and recognized by the government, which is supposed to be separate from all that.

I hate that married people get a tax break.

I hate mith for thinking that somehow 'hugging' someone over the internet will somehow fix, or console someone who's marriage is ending in some meaningful way.

I hate diet pepsi.

I hate the people who make jokes about someone's wife being the 'ball and chain'.

I hate that so many people get married only to end the relationship in divorce. Till Death Do Us Part is meaningless. If you really had some kind of honorable fiber, and meant to keep your word at all times, you'd not consider divorce. You'd kill the bitch/bastard.

I hate that people who kill their spouses are seen as murderers. Under the law, the two people were joined as one. Does that mean that you killed yourself?

I hate the term holy matrimony. I don't know what matrimony means. Its a stupid word, and it probably doesn't even have a real meaning.

I hate that people break vows all the time.

But most of all, I hate diet pepsi.
Since Leo mentioned something about Katrina, it's time for another rant.

I hate that people are still going apeshit over Katrina, two years later. I hate that while we're in the process of preparing for a new hurricane season, all anyone in fucking Louisiana can talk about is Katrina and how horrible it was.

First of all, if you live on the Gulf Coast, you fucking know there is a hurricane season. If you don't like it, fucking move! Go live in California with earthquakes or Nevada with flood season or fucking New York with blizzards. Stop fucking bitching about something that is in the past.

Yes, it was catastrophic. Yes, alot of people died. Yes, alot of homes and buildings were destroyed. So what? Until you build a fucking time machine and gain supernatural powers over the weather, shut the fuck up, deal with it, and go spend your motherfucking FEMA and Road Home money on a new house and new things, be it here or elsewhere.

I hate that the media made this storm out to be worse than what it was. I hate that while I sat in my hotel room, 8 months pregnant and worried about whether or not I still had a home, these fucking media idiots were going on and on about the "thousands" of bodies in New Orleans and a supposed shark that escaped from the Aquarium of the Americas, and then, 6 months later they come back of a total body count of a little less than 200.

I hate that people who died in New Orleans died because Louisiana is full of political idiots and dumbass weather forecasters. I hate that they are blamed for staying, when in reality, no one in Louisiana knew until the last minute that this shit was going to hit. Even my family, at the last minute, packed our belongings and moved to a hotel room that was north of I-12 because we didn't find out until the LAST FUCKING MOMENT that this hurricane was going to hit us.

I hate Governor Kathleen Blanco. I hate her for being a fucking idiot who any time she appeared on television was a blubbering mass of makeup and hair. I hate that Ray Nagin gets beef for calling New Orleans a "choclate city." Statistically, more blacks live in New Orleans than whites, asians, mexicans or what the fuck ever. New Orleans is and always will be a "choclate city" so get fucking over it. Beyond that, Nagin is a black man, so what the fuck is so racist about a black man calling other black men and women and children black? More fucking idiots.

I hate that they are now predicting a worse hurricane season for us this year, because that means more fucking drama I'm not willing or prepared to deal with. I hate that I can't afford to move out of this cesspool of a state. I hate that I begged Marco to move back because I missed my family.

I hate that in the process of so many people being concerned, Biloxi and Gulfport, MS were moved down the scale of importance. I hate that even now, when driving through Biloxi and Gulfport, I don't always recognize landmarks that had been there since I was a child. I hate going to these places of idyllic childhood and realizing they will never be the same. Fuck New Orleans.
I hate that there isn't a stronger word for hate, when sometimes hate isn't enough.
I hate that SJ thinks an online hug doesn't help...Cause it often does!
I also hate diet pepi, diet coke too!
I hate not being able to function properly. I also hate my low tolerance for medication that makes me unable to function properly. I hate being so high that right now, this makes very little sense to me and I hate that tomorrow morning I might just wake up and log on only to see that this whole little post I'm making now was a rambling piece of shit.
I hate that I'm having a great time doing this RP and it's almost time for my medicine, which means that if I'm not able to post soon, my plan will be a useless bundle of meaningless words that won't make sense!!!!! HURRY!!!!
I hate hurting so bad the pain you felt before going numb was like candy bars and milkshakes. And now I strive for numb.

I hate that I know this is going to be a long drawn out process, regardless of how quick we try and make it.

I hate the people who keep telling my wife it's better to get a divorce when they, themselves, worked through Hell and highwater to save their marraige. It's almost being reverse hypocritical.

I hate to think that I'm not the only one who's ever felt this way.

I hate that my step-brother is doing something similar to his wife.
So, yes, it's time for another hate.

I have previously mentioned that I hate stupid people. I REALLY, REALLY hate stupid people.

What makes someone think they have the right to complain about YOUR life and how YOU live it? I just do not understand this concept. I hate fucking immature little twats who butt in where they aren't invited and spew ignorant bullshit when they DO NOT have all of the facts.

I hate people who CONSTANTLY try to turn your life into a living Hell and degrade you for the choices you make without understanding the reasoning behind those choices.

I hate people who expect to be forgiven REPEATEDLY for making the same mistake over and over again. I hate people who butt in, and when they get their asses handed to them and it's pointed out just how ignorant they are, they play the "poor pitiful me" card and expect me to just turn a blind eye to all of the malicious shit they have stated without ever actually apologizing for being an ignorant twat in the first place.

I hate ignorant twats.

I hate people who expect you to make their life easier and ignore your own problems. I don't expect ANYONE to ignore their problems in favor of mine. HOWEVER, if you find out something is going on in my life and you don't agree with a decision I've made and know that your opinion may be biased by something YOU are going through, SHUT YOUR FUCKING TRAP!!

If you know that I don't care about your opinion, don't fucking give it to me because it will lead to bullshit drama, just like what made me leave RP in the first place.

I hate people who cannot grow up and accept responsibility for their own actions and I hate people who cannot apologize and who do not realize that their own actions are why people turn against them and hate them.

The person this is directed at knows who she is. However, I don't even know if she comes on .Org anymore and don't really give a flying fuck anyway. Person, you know who you are. I fucking hate you. My ultimate goal in life is to have to never speak to you again. Do NOT contact me in any way, shape or form. Because, I hate you. Now you can say I've made it public. Kiss my motherfucking ass!

I hate not knowing who that last hate was directed at, cause anyone who upsets a friend like that is someone I think I would hate as well
I just hate people in general.

I also hate the fact its 07:20 and I'm leaving for work in 5 minutes. I miss being a student.
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