Last Post / Random Thought Thread

I am hurt and dismayed that I am being called a pervert, when I only thought about how one would term a napalm t-shirt contest. My honor has been insulted by a cat. Woe is me.
My parents always taught me...If you've nothing nice to say, keep you mouth closed...and...No one is perfect, so before you start in on someone take a long look at yourself first....
Some people need those to sayings etched into their rude asses!!
*Would never hurt Lowthor!*...Raharanor if you could see my line of thought, lmfao, you'd be calling me a pervert too!...And Mith? That wasn't an insult, it was a complement!
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I am so BORED, and whats worse I still have to go christmas shopping for my families gifts. I had planned on doing it last night around three am, but I just was not feeling it. Hell I am still having a hard time following that is December.
Go shopping on Christmas Eve ? Your a Brave and Insane man my friend!

Some times your family can make you think you must have been adopted...or just wish you had been!!
Sometimes I can see the wishing, part but the thinking I was no. Sadly my family is all too similar to me in mannerisms and such. As for brave or Insane no, just lazy and in need of doing it so I did, and Have to go back here in a day or so so I can pick up the presents I didn't need for christmas day.
If anyone is wondering, I CAN kill a bottle of vodka on Christmas day. It just takes a while.

PS, Madi you're fired from Birthday Mod, you forgot my birthday. We will pick a new one shortly.
F&Ck!! I was so distracted that I didn't post it!! I even told DSX when we where talking on the phone Christmas day that it was your birthday...JHC!! I'm really sorry Will
PS, Madi you're fired from Birthday Mod, you forgot my birthday. We will pick a new one shortly.

Being a little harsh on the firing aren't you? We all forget things from time to time even in a specialised position :p
Ha the mini Nuke I implanted in Slayers brain Stem WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ceros had a birthday recently? Zowee!

Well then Ceros, how bout a birthday quote from ol ullery?

ready? here we go.

"C stands for Crystal, of which he totally is."
"E stands for Excellent of which he has good tastes!"
"R stands for Race for your life, which he often does with eyes closed"
"E Stands for Excitement, which you can clearly tell he shows."
"S stands for Special, and there is no doubt on this."

"So happy birthday you lucky guy and don't forget to blow out the candles."
Ullery, you did this for me before.

Do you remember? I told you to never do it again.

And you spelled my name wrong again, by the way.
Then Ceros' Thoughts should have at least bruised Ullery. As a war Hammer to the cheast will minimumly bruise you. In this case its best just to back away slowly Madi and pretend we didn't see anything.
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