Last Post / Random Thought Thread

*Replaces the bomb with a nuke with less than one millionth of a second left and then watches at it goes off * WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE......Ohhhh it burns so bad........Well I guess that answers the age old question Admins and Cockroaches can survive a nuke.
*heads up the candy bar and when he raises his hand to give change to vendor, he realises that he's holding cookies...bah! he is doing this, he runs out of the way of the nuke's worst effects*
MITH!!! You stop that this min...... *Is burnt to a crisp*
~Turns his flaming white eyes upon charm ~ No One tells me not to play with my nukes! ~Pulls out the Koi fish of DOOM and attacks Charms' shoulder blade before dropping another nuke that goes off before its even fully descended~ " Pardon me....."~Vanishes~

~ Reappears and Looks at Charm a moment before raising a brow ~ Did you Say hello ?
*shows Mith he's #1 then runs off knowing he's gonna kick her ass *
yes, yes I did. lol
~Dive Tackles Charm and props her against the wall before using her as a Pillow~ So anyhow I think perhaps I am being a bit nuke crazy, but still its easier than beating everyone individualy with the koi fish.
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