Forgotten Forge: IC

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The threat had been escaped, but not without taking a huge toll on him as he had suffered several affects from the swarm of little 'bastards'. Eventually as they moved, he would join them, his gait a bit lagged but enough to keep pace with them. The building they saw peaked his interest, but he did nothing to advance in investigation just yet. He was far more worried with his own wounds.
You recognize the symbol of Onatar carved on the support columns for this temple. Onatar is the god of artifice and the forge.

If he was this bad with the sling, how bad would he be with a staff? Alo was actually stil glad he'd swapped to a different weapon. He tucked the sling into belt, and then scrambled down from the tunnel to the room below. He followed after the others as they went to investigate the temple.
Effin Beetles.

The warrior thanked the dwarf and moved towards the temple, his skin still crawling from the sensation of the biting, swarming beetles.

He recognized the Sovereign Hosts temple, and Ahlias, despite himself, was curious to explore.

Gorfan perceived that, as well as recognising the place as a temple to the Sovereign Host, that there was a symbol of Onatar on one of the columns of the temple. The cleric considered this very interesting, and decided to conduct a more thorough search of the temple area they were in.

((Takes 20 on Search Check))
Temple Ruins

Gorfan and the rest of the crew enter the temple. The first thing they notice is that the chittering of the bugs and other vermin who have made these ruins their home seems dampened here. In fact, there are no sign of any bugs or rats or other unwanted guests. Its almost as if they avoid this place completely.

Gorfan's more thorough search, combined with his dwarven senses leads him to find a small stone tile half-buried under the dirt. Through prying his fingers along he edges, and knocking lightly on the surface, he finds it to be loose, and apparently, there is a hollow space behind it.

Intrigued at this loose tile and the hollow space behind, Gorfan lifts the tile up the best way he can.
Temple Ruins

Underneath the tile, Gorfan finds a font partially filled with liquid. The liquid is honey-yellow with the consistency of cough syrup. It has a smell like roasted almonds.

Those familiar with these indicators would recognize the liquid as the same used in healing potions. There appears to be enough in the font for 3 doses.

Gorfan slowly picks up the bottle which seems to be partially full of a honey-yellow liquid...he recognised it as something used with healing potions....the dwarven cleric nodded and smiled in understanding of this fact. He then wondered who should be possession of the potion, and who is of most need of it.

Knowing nothing about the liquid discovered, he just looks at it and then surveys his wounds yet again. He didn't care much for the outer portion of this temple, but with how fascinated the others seemed to be, he could only assume that there would be something valuable inside. The intrigue was there, but he'd not do anything to investigate just yet. Placing his crossbow back into its original position to have a free hand, he just stays with rapier in hand, a bit wary but nothing more.

Gorfan then turned to Soryn and looked upon the rogue...he seemed to be in some confusion as to what the bottle contained. The cleric decided to enlighten him and his other companions somewhat.

"This," Gorfan declared to the party," is a potion which can be used in healing wounds and treating them..."

This rogue would not ignore the cleric's words but offered nothing more than the obvious perusal of his own wounds to signify that perhaps he should be the proper recipient of such a discovery. Nevertheless, as if he did not desire it for himself, he spoke out of curiousity.

"How is it used for that?"

The potion could be intended to be topical....or did it need to be consumed? Whatever the case was, the rogue would not voice out his desire for it just yet.

Gorfan considered for a moment or so before coming to a decision.

"Upon consideration, I've decided to give this potion to Soryn as he is of most need of such a potion at this time"Gorfan said decidedly," drink one dose to heal yourself Soryn, as far as I know"

Gorfan, upon saying this, gives the potion to Soryn to drink.

Success! Within his obvious desire to use the potion to get rid of some of this pain from the bites offered by their previous encounter, he failed to thank Gorfan for the offer as what the rogue considered a simple dose was consumed quickly. The fact the rogue drank it alone meant that he trusted the cleric's judgment and with that simple dose taken, he held the font in his hands and waited to feel the effects.

Alo waited with the others long enough to see what the drawf had found, and once he was aware he decided that as he didn't have an empty bottle, it was of no further interest to him.

Then he wandered off to see if there were any old books about the temple.

((Take 20 on search = 23))
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