Babe in the Woods: OOC

Mith is done. The only person left is Illogical, and she's practically finished. She's got one little bump left to smooth out, and then she can pick a color and we can start this show on the road.
Lets see. Elven Ranger could have come in contact with the Half-elf Sorcerer who had dealt with paladin who always butts heads with barbarian which the rogue always takes advantage of LOL *shrugs* I dunno
*fails to contain the drooling* hehe. Um, yeah I think we still need to work on how our characters have met and such. Anyone have any ideas thus far?
About five I think from what I remember I read back in the first thread. I kind of added you and Eildrien to my character description on my profile as a sort of draft for how they met at least. Take a look and build off from there?
Since I'm central....8-5. Alright. I'll catch you this Monday then. Er...Tomorrow? I'm in the process of trying to get approved for a scholarship to an Art School I'm interested in where I can take online classes as well as a multitude of other things.
Tiff, I don't have a color for you. I've got one for everyone else. Check the roster to make sure you get one that isn't already taken.

What Roster, you ask? Well, I've updated the first post of this thread to include a Roster of characters for easy reference. Thank you everyone who put your link in your signature. That really does help.

Illogical's charsheet is done. I think we are ready to roll.

I've decided to forgo the whole deciding how we all met up and just go with the classic mysterious summons. I'll have an IC thread up within a couple hours. Good day!
Ok, I need to clarify something for you two. Garrick is a hamlet. Thats small like a village. Not big like a city. Now, there are definetly places in the world where there are crowds of people, and even some metropolitarian areas where you might even see a few of the more savage races(lizardmen, ogres, orcs, trolls, etc) mingling with the more sophisticated races(humans, elves, dwarves, etc), but Garrick is definetly not that place. Nor are there enough people to get lost in the crowd coming or going.

Garrick is populated primarily by humans. There are a few half-elves, a handful of halflings, and 2 dwarves that live there permenantly. Visitors are common, but sparse in numbers, never in multitudes. There is a single inn, and a single tavern. The inn was never even properly named. Its just 'the inn'. There were 2 taverns at one point, so the BlackDog managed to get a proper name, even though the other tavern closed down.

The primary business is logging, and the most common traffic is the shipment caravans carrying lumber out of the town, and other goods in from outside. Almost everyone works at the saw-mill, or supporting the people who do work there.

You might find at most a trio of savage races in town for supplies before they head back into the forest. More common is a single member or sometimes a pair. Its practically unheard of for multiple races to enter the town because of how rarely they show up. They are usually met with curt business-like attitudes, and not welcoming smiles. They are allowed to spend their money on supplies, and then they are expected to leave promptly.

You all are adventurers. You can expect a few eyebrows to be raised when you show up in town, because nothing worthy of adventurer's time ever happens in this place. However, its unlikely that you will be turned away, because adventurers usually stimulate the crap out of small-town economies while they are there.
Just wanted to make this known:

I'm currently at an undergraduate law program, meant to simulate a first year law students daily life. Thankfully we're only dealing with two classes and a few lectures, not the whole course load. This has been really cutting into my posting time since the only time I have access to the internet is after/between reading/writing cases. So I wanted to apologize in advance for my sparse posting. I should still be able to post on time, just not as much as I had originally hoped. The program is only for another three weeks and I'll try to make more posts on the weekends. ^_^
Ok, I need to point out something to you. Split 5 ways, the offer is 100 GP each.

none of you have ever, in your entire life, seen 100 gold pieces. thats more money than you've ever made through your entire life. its more than your parents made. it might even be more than both your parents made in their entire life together.

Its basically the modern-day equivilent of being offered a couple million. This is not something where you should be thinking 'hmm, i wonder if i can squeeze a few more coins out of this guy'. Its more like 'Holy mother of god, I can't believe he's offering me that much. I'm going to be rich. This adventuring thing beats the pants off of any other kind of work there is.' Of course, that only applies to those of you who are interested in money.

I post this because I've seen a couple people who thought they might want to barter and try to earn more. I just want to make sure everyone realizes how much this guy is offering.
I will be unable to continue the rp. I'm sorry, IRL issues have arisen and what little time I do have on the computer doesn't allow me to post.
Thanks for letting me know, baka.

If you see another campaign start when you've got time, please do join in.

In the meantime, we should recruit a replacement sorcerer. I've got one person who expressed interest before, so he gets first pick. If he declines, I'll start an open recruitment.
Lowthor has accepted the position as party sorcerer. He's basically going to pop into existance exactly where Baka was standing, so pretend that any actions Baka made were made by Lowthor. That will prevent us from having to run around asking 'what happened to that other sorcerer, and where did this new one come from?' basically, its a RetCon for those familiar with comic book terminology.
For the next two weeks, I'm not going to be able to post as much as I was. I spent the entire day yesterday in the hospital and the meds they put me on knock me on my ass. So, if push comes to shove and I can't post at an important part or something, SJ can take over for me until I can come back. Thanx.

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