Multiversal Aftermath: A comicbook RP

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Sinisters eyes would have narrowed a bit but he knew how to play his part with an expertise not seen else where. " So delayed justice then if that muscle bound monster kills my other savior.....I suppose we should go to the building that will have information on what we need to know first " he said Curling old fingers tightly into the cape of the Russian Ruler. "Well lets get going then, Before my golden years end with me stuck in this hell"
The power still surged through him as they got to the surface. "It was a man with a skull on his chest. The Punisher I believe the Americans call him." He said in a thick Russian accent, "I was in my office one moment and then suddenly I saw in that sewer. Trying to find my way to the surface I ran in to him. Without a moments hesitation he shot me and detonated a bomb collapsing the tunnel on me and releasing that toxin that affected you so. I do not if it was he brought me here to try and assasinate me or not, but I would love to return the favor."

This was the first time he had seen the surface of this desolute city. He looked around for a moment before seeing cover.

"Come, let us get out of the open," he said as he walked towards the cover and out of the street. "Tell me, god, where is this place?"


It didn't seem like these two were going to be much trouble to anyone. Gambit did over hear Mister Sinster and the Red Son's conversation. If there was a place here that might shed some light as to why they were here and exactly where here was he would like to know.

Gambit left the shadows of the alley as they left towards the official looking building in the center of this city. He would follow them, keeping in the shadows. If they walked it would be much easier but if they took the air Gambit would follow them the best he could as long as nothing got in his way.


They ran. They ran until their lungs burned. Then they ran some more. He was back. Their were five of them, now only three were left. The other two were dead. Blood sacrifices to a moon god they had never heard of before, a god of vengance they would never forget. If they managed to escape their pursuer.

He was tormenting them. They'd look back and he'd be right behind them, they could feel him breathing down their neck. Then they'd just see a flutter of his cape as they rounded a corner. They had been trying to knock over a convenience store. Have a little fun, rough of the clerk.

Then he showed up. He took out one of them right there, pinned him to snack foods. His blood pooled at his feet, a small piece of golden metal in the shape of crescent moon stuck through throat. The second one was taken in an alley in much the same fashion. Only instead of the snack foods he was pinned to a dumpster.

They thought he was done. He was a recognizable name years ago. Everyone thought he was retired or dead. He was all but forgotten. His God was all but forgotten. Truth of it was that he was broken. He had turned in to a shell of a man, renounced his god, pushed his closest friends away. But something happened, he didn't think he would walk again, he thought everyone had given up on him, even his God.

But he had given up on them, given up on himself. But his God came back to him, brought him back from the despair he had fallen in to for one reason, to spread his aweful name.

Marc Spector chased these hooligans through these alleys, instilling the fear of god in them. But not the fear of their god, it was his god, Konshu, whose fear he brought to them. But his knees ached, his muscles throbbed. Konshu's blood lust would need to be satiated, as if it ever truely were, another night. His warrior priest had to finish this before old wounds became to much.

The third would be taken down quickly. A crescent throwing blade to the ankle as he ran sent him crashing in to sacks of refuse, his "friends" didn't even look back. As Moon Knight ran to catch up with him he slid a set of spikes on to his knuckle, stopping briefly as he caught up with the would be thief and spilled more blood in the name of his god Konshu.

They ran faster as they heard their fallen partner scream out briefly, but they won't get away. A white cape flutters as Moon Knight descends upon his fourth offering. He takes the man down, slitting his throat with a crescent moon blade as he does. He drops it by the body so they will know in whose name these sacrifices were taken. What will happen to those who wrong and deserve such vengance wrought upon them.

As he chased after the last thief his god appeared to him. A tormented vision of his past, the man who had crippled him two years ago, the man who had killed his love's father and then had killed him, the man whose face he cut off after he had nearly bitten out Marc's eye in their final battle.

"Yes, do it. Spread my aweful name. Remind the world who you are and who you serve!"

Moon Knight nodded behind his white mask as he began to close in on the last one. He rounded a corner and suddenly his whole world changed.

He wasn't in the same alley any more. He was outside a building (the same one Spiderman, Union Jack, Deadpool, and Shadow Cat are in as it so happens), he almost ran right in to the door. As he stopped and looked around. Konshu was there once more, a look in those dead eyes of Bushman, Marc Spector's nemisis whose form Konshu has been taking lately, he had never seen before.

"Where am I?" Moon Knight asked.
"I.. don't know," Konshu said reluctantly, "When I figure that out I'll let you know. Until then, reap my vengance on the wicked." Then he was gone.

Now that he had stopped Moon Knight could feel his time in a wheel chair for two years catching up to him. He needed to rest. A quick survey of his surroundings and he decided to find shelter in the building in front him. He opened the door cautiosly and walked in. He looked around and found a place to rest. Sitting down with his back to a corner facing the front doors as well as what looked to be the doors to stairwell in a large for-ay (I simply don't know how to spell it, just sound it out.) he rested. Trying to make sense of what had just happened, where could he be? Why would his God not know where they would be? It didn't make sense, he needed to try and sort his thoughts out and let his body rest.

Venom launched himself towards Bane and slammed a fist towards his face, fulling intending to smash his skull in.


Spiderman walks up to Deadpool. "Just one of me, Merc. Hold still so I can look at your head. You took a pretty nasty shot. Its a good thing you can heal yourself. I don't think we've got any medical supplies here. At least none I'd want to be operated on with. If Deadpool lets him, Spider-Man will look at the wound, making sure it looks like its healing without a problem. He'll also introduce Union Jack and Shadowcat, to clear up the confusion.
The Red Son does not comment on Mr. Sinister's commentary, only going through the motions to secure him before launching into the air. In moments, they would arrive near the center of the city, in what he's correctly guessed to be a major governmental center. Empty of people, but filled with room upon room of records, all miraculously in plain english, with understandable diagrams.

(This isn't to say the previous inhabitants of this land were human, or spoke English, it's just, like, comic law. Everyone can understand alien writing.)

He deposits Mr. Sinister with little fanfare, stone-faced he instructs the old man, "Find out what you can here, I will return soon with more comrades. Remain until I return, I cannot garuntee your safety if you strike out on your own."


The Punisher gets back just in time to see Omega Red and Thor helping each other up from the rubble, back to the surface. Outside an enclosed area, two supers, neither injured enough to give him a fighting chance, even with the big guns. Shit.

He slinks back into the shadows and stalks - waiting for his opportunity.


"Yeah Spidey, it's handy. Sure, it makes the deadpool a little unfair, but somebody's going to win big one of these days if I keep this up. Go ahead and check it out, but don't worry too much, I've had worse." - Deadpool manages to crack a grin despite the slowly-closing hole in his head, but he couldn't stop Spiderman from inspecting that hole if he wanted to.

Bane sidestepped and tried to grab Venon in such a way that he could throw it, ideally into a wall, but he'd settle for anything hard enough to possibly cause some damage.
Sinister was impressed with the speed at which the Red Son was able to take off , but it was not as impressive as some mutants he had seen. As they came in for a landing Sinister looked at the ground with little care for the place that he had been dropped off. The Records were not worth anything to him. He had been here before and searched them extensively long before he had meet with the bald child from another world. Sinister knew that the new recruits that his savior would bring him would be the only thing of value that would come here. Turning his fragile appearance upon the hearing the dictators words he nodded and spoke in kind " I shall look though the files and see if I can find anything of worth " he said in a slightly jittery old man tone.

Once the Red Son had taken to the air Sinisters form shifted back to his standard appearance a cool grin upon his lips as he turned and walked into the Capitol building.

"Tis a mystery. I suspect my brother's hand in this, but where this land is I cannot think. Tis neither Midgard or Asgard, that I can say." Thor stepped away from Omega Red, then wrapped his hand around Mjolnir's haft. He was growing stronger with every moment away from the toxin, and the hammer made him feel like the God he is.

He walked away from the sewer exit, towards the middle of the wide street outside the building where Spiderman and the others were gathered.

Spider-Man looked around those near him. "So, whats our next step gang? Should we split up and look for clues? A scooby-snack to the first one who says 'Jinkies'."


Venom wasn't nearly so jovial as his counterpart. He let Bane grab him, and let the symbiote flow over Bane's hands and harden, making it impossible for Bane to release his grip. Venom lifted his arms, and his fists formed into cinder-block sized blocks of hardened goo, which his slammed together towards Bane's head, as if holding a large pair of cymbals.

He tried to pull back and get his head out of the way, but was still hit by a pretty hard glancing blow. This really pissed him off, and he threw his head forward to try and headbutt venom.

GM Lowthor

Meanwhile, in the building where Sinister and the Red Son had reached, something appeared. It looked like a shadowy half-visible man. Well muscled, and not unlike the Red Son in stature, only with long hair, and a costume that somewhat resembled a centurion's armour. It took one look at the Red Son, and took flight, before charging at the Red Son with a similar force and speed to that the Red Son himself was capable of.
The Red Son, caught momentarily off-guard in what he thought was a safe place, is impacted by the shadowy figure full-force.

And mind you, even for the Man of Steel, full force hurts, he's thrown backwards to the tune of several hundred feet, only coming to a stop when he smashes into the concrete of the nearest building behind him. Dazed and confused, but not nearly beaten, he pulls himself up, and looks out towards his attacker, trying to figure out who or what it is that's after him.


Deadpool rose, still with a pretty nasty looking back-of-his-head, but well enough to sit up. "Next step, oh lord of pop culture, would be to track down the bastard who shot me, and see how much he likes a hole in his head the size of your ego."

Spider-Man looks over to Shadow Cat and Union Jack. "Ok, lets see what we can do about our sniper then." He turns back to Deadpool. "Lead the way, Oh King of Cliche."


Venom took the headbutt and shook it off. The symbiote was capable of taking a bullet. No way a simple headbutt from a non-super-powered human would even phase Venom.

In retaliation, Venom grabbed at the stuck arms of Bane, released his fists from their locked position and started pulling appart, literally trying to rip the arms off the man.

Plan C. Bane had seconds before his arms would be even more useless than they already were. His head ached, and he could feel his shoulder muscles stretching. He forced his knee upwards, hard! It would connect with Venom's crotch, if the thing had anything there to connect with. The last time he did this to a normal human, they weren't so much pissing blood afterwards, as picking out bits of pelvis from their mush of a bladder. If it hit, it would have to do some damage, maybe enough to make Venom let go.
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Sinister turned in his steps as he entered the main lobby of the capitol building hearing quite the commotion outside. He guessed that his so called Savior was in a battle and that the out come of which would be rather interesting. Using his teleportation device he vanished from the interior of the capitol building and appeared in his lab. Dropping off the sample of The Red Sons DNA for his computer to analyze. Although he would have preferred to look over the DNA make up himself he had other things to attend too. changing back into his harmless old man appearance he teleported back into the Capitol building and ran out the doors looking around to see what had made such a ruckus.


The Joker had now arrived and it was time for some laughs! Looking around with his ever present grin his right hand sliding into his jacket pocket and pulling out a sock puppet....well a sock. "Well Toto it looks like we're not in Gotham Anymore!" Said the Joker with a sadistic laugh as he moved down the fire escape he had arrived upon. What meet his eyes when he got to the bottom would have made most men cry. A Super Knee being raised by the muscle bound bundle of Joy called Bane. "Do I hear the Nut Cracker Suite !?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"

The translucent figure, after smashing the Red Son into the building, hopped back, and landed perhaps twenty feet from the Russian. He spoke, but the words were twisted, slowed and not quite intellegible. They may once have been the same language as that in the Capitol building, but not anymore.
THe Red Son rose from the Rubble stepped out onto the solid ground facing the strange creature. Anyone else here might have been greviously injured or killed by a blow like that, or at the very least pissed off enough at whatever gave it to them to not bother mincing words.

For all the authoritative life he's led, he's still the same Kal-El the other worlds might have known him as, willing to at least give the figure a chance to explain itself before forcibly removing the more violent chunks of grey matter stuck inside it's head. "I cannot understand you, can you understand my words?"


Deadpool rises up, sufficiently healed by now to be ambulatory - still not in any shape for a real fight yet... "Think about it El hombre de araña, if you were a gun-toting crazy sniper shooting people for no reason, where would you be right now?

Assuming, since we're all still alive, he's not here with us right now."
The Red Son was fast, no doubt about that, but it was very easy for to follow the Red Son. He saw which way the russian was flying straight towards his location. Easy enough. Gambit began heading for the center of this city, navigating his way through streets and alleys that told a story of destruction but gave no clue as to what or why it had happened. It seemed to take a little longer then Gambit would have liked but eventually he found his way to where the Red Son and the old man had gone. As the front of it came in to view he saw the Red Son, a mass of rubble behind him, speak the minitaur creature in front of him. Gambit could hear the Red Son but didn't recognize him nor had he heard of any russian mutants or otherwised super powered human that fit his description. He decided to keep his vantage point within ear shot of the two yet remaining in the shadows.


"I do not know who your brother is or what he would want with me but I will choke the life from who ever dared to bring me here against my will." Omega Red said in his thick russian accent. He didn't like this. The Punisher already tried to take him out and now one of America's more powerful heros was standing right in front of him. One who was immensly powerful, one whose life force was like a drug to the Russian, one whose part of the Avengers with Iron Man, who must not have told Thor of the beating he got at the hands of Omega Red.

"You fly, do you not? Why don't you fly up there and tell me what you see. Maybe from there you can spot the Punisher or some clue as to why we're here or who brought us here." He said as he looked up towards the sky.


Moon Knight jumped to his feet quickly as he watched two men climb out of a man hole. His body ached but he recognized one of them, Thor. He hadn't ever met or talked to him, but he was one of the core Avengers years ago. He watched as Thor talked to some guy with tentacles coming out of his wrist, probably one of the B-List Avengers that never got any media attention, and he ducked in to the shadows as that same person walked towards the building and came to stop under the awning in front of the building. Now that Omega Red was standing out there Moon Knight could make out what he was saying. They didn't know where they were either.

He saw Omega Red motion up to the sky, he wondered if something was happening up there. Instead of running out the front door and seeing what it could be, Marc Spector decided to get a better vantage point to see for himself. He quickly ducked into the stair well and began his ascent to the top, unbeknowest to him was the fact that the group of Spiderman and others was a few floors up.

"I'd be looking for a new target. I would not be wherever I was when I shot my last victim."


{OOC: I honestly have no idea if the symbiote would protect from that kind of blow or not. Anyone want to help me? How does venom respond to a kick to the nads. I would imagine yes, but I wasn't expecting that, so maybe it would've gotten through.}

Thor nodded. "Indeed. I shall survey from the heavens." Thor then grabbed Mjolnir by the hilt and took flight. He shot up rapidly until he was once more hovering about twenty feet higher than the tallest nearby building.

Union Jack

"I would've thought that bit was obvious. The question we need answered is, does he know this city better than we do?"

GM Lowthor

The translucent figure spoke again. The words were not so much in another language, but to the red son's enhanced senses, would seem to be more altered, out of phase. Once he'd finished speaking, the man in the archaic dress, made a gesture of a raised fist and then seemed to fade, but not as though he was leaving. The figure seemed entirely unaware that he was vanishing.

Venom just absorbs the blow. If bullets wouldn't hurt him, this little punk kid wouldn't either. Digging his claws into the flesh of the man's arms, Venom lifted one foot and kicked the heel towards the man's sternum, while pulling both of his arms back with as much viciousness as the symbiote could muster.
Bane's body flew back and smashed into one of the alley's walls. His arm's didn't. Blood sprayed out of his shoulder sockets and he howled with agony. He had minutes left at best.
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