Learn English


After seeing Scorn and Vaticus' conversation, I felt compelled to shoot them in the face, and beat their English teacher with a crowbar.

However, if I followed that impulse, then they would learn nothing. And neither would anyone who looked at their conversation and got the mistaken impression that these two miscreants are some kind of example to be followed.

I think we all know that mistakes happen. People make typos and other accidental mistakes. No one is going to blame you for that. But making up words, and spelling words wrong purposefully just makes you look like you still belong in grade school, and should be with a babysitter instead of out here on the web with people who actually want to enjoy our time role playing instead of deciphering whatever garbage you think looks cool.

The simple fact is that typing 'pwned', 'lawls', 'orly', or other gibberish just makes you look stupid. Now, I don't believe any of you are stupid. I happen to think that the people here are some of the brightest Role Players on the web. So, with that in mind, I'd like to show you how to make sure that everyone knows that you people are actually brilliant.

I was shown this little guide which is very brief (I've probably been more longwinded in this post than the article), but still offers some of the best advice you can get for not looking like a complete moron when you communicate with people through text. I hope you will all take the time to read it and learn to show just how awesome you truly are. Thank you.

I don't know that speaking Spanish is necessary to translate that particular bit of text.
Regardless of language barriers, I agree that the majority of "chat lingo" makes me believe the world is made up of dumbasses. Hrm. Perhaps something else to add to the "Hate" thread. People who can't spell. Then again, I did marry Marco, and well, yeah. Have you ever read anything he posts? I go over his posts after he puts them up and annoy him by pointing out every mistake he makes, both by mispelling words and using improper english. His response is usually something along the lines of, "But, I'm Latino Heat, so no one cares."
See, I've been singled out and profiled as an immature child :( I knew this would happen to me!

I talk the way I do to my friends. The friends I know in real life who play games with me hear it, and they talk like that as well, it becomes second nature to me when we are having fun or joking. We don't go into businesses and do it, well unless were drunk. And like in real life I will never use it in an rp or setting. But If I talk like that infront of you take it as a compliment, because I am considering you a friend.

Or maybe I am trying to make SJ pull out his hair.
Yea, you could be trying, but you'd be failing. You don't have to take my offer. If you want to continue to look like a dumbass, its no skin off my back. I'm just trying to be helpful.

Oh, and you weren't singled out. Doubled out, maybe. But then it would be you and Vaticus.
*breaks Rhysis' wrist*

I am being nice. I'm actually being extremely kind-hearted by offering an extremely easy way to engage in some self-improvement.
Unfortunately, spell check can only take you so far. If you type a sentence that is not grammatically correct, but, the words are spelled right then spell check doesn't catch it.
Let's not forget of commonly screwed up words such as there, Their, They're, or Two, to, too and here, hear.
I don't care about txt speak.

People that can't just write the word eyes on the other hand. Bloody hell it makes me want to hurt people.
Some monkeys can type better than some of the most recent people in chat. And I can understand typos. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. I can even tolerate grammatical errors like run-on sentences because things like that are considered the norm with creative license. However, when you type a post or a sentence like, "he bent over and run he hands over teh crapet & he look at teh bruken glass," all of that in reference to bending over and looking at a pair of broken glasses, you aren't allowed to even pretend to be a RPer.
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