Last Post / Random Thought Thread

“Lemme go ahead and share a little something special with you that I like to call Perry’s Perspective. One: If someone’s standing in front of me in line at the coffee shop and they can’t decide what they want in the half an hour it took to get to the register, I should be allowed to kill them. Two: I’m fairly sure if they took porn off the internet, there’d only be one website left, and it’d be called “Bring back the porn!” Three and most importantly of all: The only way to be respected as a doctor — nay, respected as a man — is to be an island; you are born alone, you damn sure die alone.” ~Dr. Cox~
Random Thought: In the Pinky and the Brain theme song, they tell us that "One is a Genius, the other is Insane." I've always assumed Pinky is insane, and Brain is the genius. But what if thats not the case? What if its the other way around?

Afterall, Brain could be qualified as insane, since he wants to take over the world. And just because Pinky acts dumb doesn't mean he's NOT a genius?

This could shift my whole world-view.
Remember as well, Pinky did succeed in taking over the world multiple times, and it was Brain that ruined it everytime.

The insane ~T~ said:
"Who's to say what is sane in the insane world of today?"

"I'm crazy, not stupid."

{points to quote under sig as well} :p

For a smart guy, you sure did catch on late SJ, old man.

{runs and hides before Slayer decides to come in again and radomly explode, leaving a raunchy splatter all over SJ}
Remember as well, Pinky did succeed in taking over the world multiple times, and it was Brain that ruined it everytime.

{points to quote under sig as well} :p

For a smart guy, you sure did catch on late SJ, old man.

{runs and hides before Slayer decides to come in again and radomly explode, leaving a raunchy splatter all over SJ}

I must be slipping in my old age.
People who solicit you while your working out in the gym should be bent over a barbell rack until their back snaps, especially if it's a fucking chiropractor.
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