Ayenee: The Re-Awakening

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Resident Badass

The greatest city to come to creation now non-existent.

She sat atop her great black stallion, covered in the warmth of her thick cloak - though with nights such as these, the cloak would do little to conceal the frigid air that always claimed this area. The icy wind howled bitterly through the thick forest like a banshee's cry, echoing in the silent air.

The four hooves came to a standstill. The dirt path that she stopped on had previously been the main traveling road into the massive city, but now it was overgrown with brush and leaves and nearly invisible. Decades upon decades she had been part of this place - or more correctly - it had been part of her.

Ayenee - this city - had a way of interweaving it's talons into the skin. It slithered in the veins, and sat like a fog of stench in the mind. Somehow, though most of the things that had traveled through here hadn't had a soul - Ayenee seemed to. Now whether it was due to the city sucking the very life out of each person that it touched remained to be seen. Regardless if she loved or hated this place, she always ended up here. Decades upon decades had passed and yet - here she was - again.

Remnants of the forgotten city sat bathed in the moonlight. The soft pitches of the roofs, the tall black posts of lanterns, and even the center fountain in the square still sat as former reminders of what used to pass through here. She was fortunate in remembering every encounter and person that had been part of her life - of her existence. Seated in the distance and staring at the ghostly light of the town, she could still see the faint outlines of past memories. She longed to live in those memories, rather in this forgotten realm of lonely hell. She had so many friends, companions, loves, and now the only one that remained was the stallion that had been with her for all of these years.

Nudging him forth, the hooves soon fell onto the cobblestones echoing out a more solitary lonely sound into the air. She had felt the internal pull to this place - to return once more. She'd hoped idiotically that it would have been the same, but now there was just...nothing.

Stopping at the fountain, her eyes scanned over the dark rows of empty alleys, streets, and businesses before settling on the tall spires of the castle in the furthest distance.

The silence was...un-nerving. But regardless, she took a deep breath, exhaled, and thought silently to herself.

I have returned, Ayenee. I am here and now it's time for you to wake from your long slumber.

She had many names while she was here: Timber...Chastine...but one thing was certain. She was back and it was time to revive the deceased soul of the city.
In the tallest tower of the once great stone castle of Ayenee a lone figure stood in the open window. Pulling her worn but still warm fur lined swathe tighter around her small frame, the wind whipping dark waves of hair back from her face, eyes so green they resembled the color the fertile fields of Ayenee use to be, illuminated by moonlight, they almost seemed to glow.

Something had pulled her from her warm sleep, some sound or a feeling of life passing close to her, perhaps? She was not sure, but the call to the window was one she could not fight. Her name is Light and like the last sentinel of the great castle, she stood there and stared out into the darkness, wondering and waiting…But for what?
She didn't remember the exact date that she had disappeared. So many memories clashed together that it was hard to distinguish a time-line between them. She remembered before the slave auction had emerged to a time when clans were dominant. New ones had emerged on a daily basis, fighting for control and power as if they deserved such a thing. It seemed that it had been an endless feud between the veterans that lived here and the new ones that arrived here. She remembered the DarkHearts, and reminisced friends long gone.

What had happened next? The slave auction arrived in Ayenee. At first she had thought it a foolish notion to have here, but it proved profitable for the city and brought endless amounts of patrons from lands far away.

Then there was the Darksbane Clan. She remembered him. He had been her equal and her love - but time changed him and soon he was no longer part of the city. With the thought of one of her lost loves - others came about. The ghostly faces appeared in the back of her mind. The very thought of Annerod shattered her heart before the face of her Black Dragon emerged and disappeared like a wisp of wind.

So many wonderful memories were there, intertwined endlessly to torment her with the pain of wanting to live in her past.

She didn't remember the time that the Auction of Slaves had left Ayenee, but it seemed that about that time Ayenee had begun to deteriorate.

When had she disappeared?

She guessed that it was during the time of Annerod. After the period of his death - his re-birth and then his absence.

So much pain existed in her heart that it was difficult to breathe. So why did she sit here atop her stallion, staring through the darkness at an empty void? Perhaps the pull that she had felt would reach to the others, or at least the ones that still lived. Maybe - just maybe they would return.

Could Ayenee be the great city that it had once been? Could new memories be created that they would long for decades from now?

Taking a silent breath, she scented the air - tasting it for the presence of anyone, but the thick icy air was flavorless and heavy. Even the mist longed for the excitement of years past.

She traced her tongue over the tip of her sharp tooth in deep thought before she dismounted from the large animal. Every shape in the city was easily discernible to her - from where the baker's house had been to other stores. Even the stables with their thatched roofs continued to stand.

The one place that she had spent a great deal of time was at the Tavern. It had gone through much destruction, rebuilding, name changes, and ownership transitions, but it had been the meeting spot where she and the others had frequented on a daily basis.

She remembered that the tavern had been in a field, but she couldn't remember where. Shaking her head she spoke aloud to her horse, "memory loss..." she sadly smirked rubbing the soft velvet nose, "that's the first sign of the end of times. When - " her speech stopped instantly when a fleck of motion caught her eye from the side. She turned half expecting to see an animal prowling the lands, but what she had seen wasn't close to her - it was in the distance.

Narrowing her lids over the dense blue eyes, she scanned the castle in the distance. Her eyes darted from the gate to each window within sight.

It wouldn't have surprised her if the castle came to life, yawned, stood up and welcomed her back before slaughtering her and sucking her soul into the pits of hell.

That would have been the worst scenario - but this was Ayenee.
Light stepped back from the window and turned to the small table that sat against the wall. Plucking a match from atop the tinder box, she lifted the pale blue glass from the lantern, struck the match and quickly lite the candle with in ,lowering the glass before the wind could steal the flame. Returning to the window she hung the lantern from the hook beside the window frame. With a sigh, born of wariness and loss, she leaned against the cold stone window frame. Light closed her eyes for a moment, as her small hands traced strange patterns upon the weathered stone, and remembered…..

She remembered her father Lightening, caption of the king’s guard, she remembered the city ablaze with life, sounds and dazzling brightness. The shops with their endless windows allowing those who passed by to gaze upon trinkets from all over the land. The smell of fresh bread and wines so vivid in her mind it brought a growl of protest from her empty stomach. The sound of people working in the streets, hawking their wears, the Slave Auctioneers voice raising as he called out prices on his human or inhuman beings, whose lot in life meant nothing to him. The feel of the sun warm on her skin, the touch of another’s hand in her own, the feel of her mothers arms holding and giving comfort to her when the nightmares came…. Gone, all of it. The thick coldness seemed to swallow the sun even in mid day now and the only sounds that floated on the air where scavengers fighting for what ever tid bit they had found.

She shook her head to clear the memories and opened her eyes to stare down into the rubble of buildings and streets. She should have left long ago, but she just kept telling herself, tomorrow, or next week…Or never…Did it really matter if she alone brought the last bit of life and light to this place…Yes, it mattered, maybe to no one else, but to her, it mattered a great deal.
Did something just move out of the corner of her vision, there, off in the distance? She narrowed her eyes and tried to find what had moved. She opened her thoughts and whispered…..

“It can be what it once was….The darkness has not taken it all….”

The cold was seeping into her bones, but still she stood, half leaning from the window, eyes scanning slowly across the land below her, hoping that the life of Ayenee might return.
A vibrant swirl of unknown energy spurt into existence, pulsating through a very small radius within this practically forgotten city. What was left in the wake of this magical phenomenon was a man with a white robe and several cryptic insignias decorating the smooth fabric. A jeweled staff juxtaposed itself to the individual and two black creatures stood at his right side. Amber-colored eyes surveyed the area that seemed rather barren. He had never frequented this area himself but he had heard stories of its grandeur and flair. Seeking solace in an area where he assumed the population had migrated away, he sat down on part of a broken bench and just stared at the sky.

The four foot creatures that stood near him began to speak, their sleek skin glistening as the skinniest of the duo exclaimed "Can we stay here and play?" The bulky one roughly interjects "Not everything is a game Cryssin. Leave him alone." The man just continues to stare into the expanse of a darkened sky, seemingly oblivious to the presence of a woman near a window. The smallest of smiles crept on to his face and then he snapped himself to a stand, starting to walk down a weathered sidewalk. The jeweled staff he held now began to hover on his own and follow him. A leisurely stroll was all he desired, and then he'd aim to relax some more. There was no reason to do anything else as of late.
“It can be what it once was….The darkness has not taken it all….”

The voice the quietly filled her head startled her. So much time had passed since she'd heard other's thoughts in her mind. In the time of prosperity there were many times where she would have to forcefully block others ideas just to gain quiet and sanity - but during the time of desolation only silence and her thoughts kept her company.

Had it been another person or was there a presence here greater than any single being? Her eyes glanced to the castle once more. The original darkness had become half illuminated through the distant rounded window. It gave the illusion that the castle was watching her.

It un-nerved her. Her original though about the living structure was becoming more of a reality. Knowing Ayenee though - it wasn't out of the ordinary for something freakish to happen on a moment to moment basis.

In a normal world she would have been the feared creature of the night, but here - well there were things that were far worse than her. She stared at the half-blinded castle that stared back at her with it's one blue eye. Just then she felt the hard nudge of her horse that nearly sent her toppling.

"What?" She spoke aloud to the horse that restlessly pawed at the ground - he was definitely as disturbed by the sudden illumination that she was, but he'd also noticed something she hadn't. The massive neck flexed as the stallion's head motioned to the street before them.

"Not everything is a game Cryssin. Leave him alone."

She had been so transfixed in her thoughts - and the thing's words inside her head that she hadn't heard the arrival of another. The two of them stood by the fountain. She shouldered the dark cloak, keeping the cowl covering her features. Her stallion twitched beside her, his shoulder nearly two heads taller than she was. It had been a long while since she was needing her claymore for protection so it wasn't attached to her, but to her saddle. She glanced sidelong at the hilt beside her that was easily reachable.

The sudden life in this dead place gave her heart a quick set of palpitations. She didn't recognize the voice nor the name that was said, but perhaps she knew this person.

Her heart thudded in anticipation.
Cryssin, the skinny creature that held talons along his hands and a piercing blue gaze, jumped around with excitement, circling his master while the bulky creature crossed his arms and huffed at what he considered the stupidity of his counterpart. Meanwhile, the robed man continued to walk forward, his staff resonating with unknown power but his aura leaving much to the imagination. This place used to contain beings whose very presence threatened the sensitive structure of the realm and yet here it remained, perhaps surviving them all or simply abandoned for more worthwhile pleasures.

It was those casual thoughts that picked at his mind as he traversed the rubble of the street. Cryssin's blue orbs shot over in the direction of the cowled person but it was clear the creature didn't care anything about her. Far more excited about the beast that was next to her, he yelled out "Look Lorna! They call those things horses right?" The bulky creature stepped away from its master and looked in that direction, narrowing its eyes at the sight of the person who seemed to want to cover herself for a reason it did not trust. "Master Kindros...there is some person over there looking in our direction."

The robed man turned and looked in that direction, mildly surprised to know that there were other living beings in this area, but in a quick succession of decisions, he just smiled and then turned around again. "Those two are probably wandering about just like us. Leave them be"

"But but...the horse!!!!" Cryssin exclaimed before being practically dragged away by Lorna, the bulky creature displaying massive strength as Cryssin squirmed and wriggled toward the woman and her horse but ultimately lost the battle to the much more brutal part of this trio. They seemed to have no true destination, but one could never tell by just observing.
She felt her mind brush past others as she sent her silent voice out into the mind of night. Eyes brightening as a quick gasp of air tightened her rib cage and sent her heart into a flutter of excitement. Calm, she told herself, be calm and perhaps this time it will work, this time the realm of Ayenee would be brought back to sparkling life.

Of course over the past beings had wondered into the city, and each time Light’s hope sparked. She would whisper to them in their dreams…”You are safe here….Stay and build your life with this city’s left over dreams” She would show them vivid visions in their dreams, ones with the city ablaze with life…She showed them her memories of seasons past and how their lives could be…And sometimes it would work…Or would at least work for awhile. Waiting and watching from her tower and hoping against hope that this time was it.
More would come, using the homes and shops already there. Slowly life was returning and with it the hint of warm sun light. But over time she noticed that the beings in the city below would fade in and out of reality, as if they belonged in two worlds, and the other world was winning. Then one day…Gone again…Everything would once more become shrouded in the fog and darkness. Leaving her to feel like a left behind toy, the lone citizen of a once crowded realm.

But maybe this time would be different. The cloud like fog was making it hard to really see. She lifted the lantern out into the night, raising the glass and blew into the flame before it could be snuffed out.
With a tiny push the flame danced across the sky like a pale comet. To much of a push, she had only wished to lighten the night a bit, instead for a brief moment it was as bright as an old noon day sun above the town square.
With a small gasp she closed and shielded her eyes, but not before she saw clearly those who where once just outlined shapes in the night. A dark figure beside a horse, a robed man with two massive companions, shadow beasts perhaps? She was unsure. She had not meant to draw attention so blatantly, but the damage was done and now all she could do was await the outcome. Once more she spoke out into the night, her voice soft, almost sorrowful.
“It has been long since I’ve used that talent…Please forgive the spotlight, I mean no harm…”
During the time in her life where she was referred to as Timber, she was friends with a couple of Malkavians that had the same bounding, relentless, child-like excitement that this creature did. She smiled at a time of remembrance when one of her Malkavian friends had gone on a frog-licking rampage that was the cause of the famous centaur stampede that happened years ago.

Good Times.

The creature's counterpart reminded her of the Tremere's that she had known. Though she believed in respecting everyone until they gave her a reason not to - she didn't much like Tremeres. The Tremeres had always believed in following and obeying their superiors - and in a clan setting she knew the value of loyalty - but the vampires that she had known went beyond the point of loyalty and abeyance to worship.

They un-nerved her more than anyone else. Watching the other creature she knew that it wasn't of that vampiric origin - but the thought of the Tremere's forced her eyes to narrow at more of the ugly memories that passed through her head.

One in particular - of the massive massacre of her clan, the betrayals that had taken place...and the bloodshed.

While she watched the two interact, she instantly liked the one that reminded her of the Malkavian. She wanted to interact with it more - but it seemed to be overly enthusiastic to her stallion whom didn't appreciate the sudden attention.

She didn't turn toward the horse that relentlessly slammed it's hoof into the ground, snorted heavily into the chilled air, and angrily grunted. Instead, her eyes turned to the man.

"Those two are probably wandering about just like us. Leave them be"

"Returning." She spoke aloud to him, correcting him. Yet before she could continue talking, the dark night disappeared as if it had been stepped on and squished away by the sun.

Though she was fully cloaked and rode with nearly every piece of her body covered, her face was still susceptible to the sun's rays, and the sudden illumination forced her to turn from the blaze, and crouch beneath the stomach of her horse. She waited to feel the pain of the flesh peeling off of her face - to feel the excruciating anguish of vessels breaking, popping and melting - but it didn't come.

“It has been long since I’ve used that talent…Please forgive the spotlight, I mean no harm…”

A Spotlight? So it wasn't the sun? She took a deep breath - a reflex of relief.
"Did you hear that?" She asked, unwinding from her protective shelled stance and turning to face the man - the darkness returning as quickly as it had disappeared.
The quick response to what he said caught the man off guard obviously. He had not assumed the person infront of him was a woman and he was quick to place his rather vibrant hazel gaze upon the woman. Lorna narrowed those toxic green orbs at the woman, seemingly perturbed by the revelation of her gender while Cryssin's blue eyes lit up with glee.

"Hey Master, she is a lady! Is she ugly underneath there and doesn't want us to see?"

It was then that the magical energy pierced through the darkness and caught everyone's attention. Cryssin's maw dropped in wonder while Kindros immediately began to attempt to determine the origin of the light. Since the voice sounded female Cryssin took the liberty of opening his mouth yet again.

"Hey light lady...you can come out too! Maybe you can show us some more talents."

While Cryssin spoke out toward the woman in the darkness, Kindros took his time to start walking toward the woman with the horse. His voice remained as calm as it had come out before as he regarded her with acute focus.

"What have you returned here for?"

The jeweled staff near him resonated and casually sent out a small wave of energy that she would feel trying to softly peruse the outline of her form as it wafted itself in the air. It was nothing more than just a precaution to determine the woman's tangibility. There have been many illusions that have attempted to fool this trio and it was clear they all moved rather strategically as Lorna moved in the direction of where the 'spotlight' originated, waiting with crossed arms.

What did these two women truly want?
"Why is it important for you to know?" Her voice rippled out, the tone low but strong. Before he could reply her gaze shifted from the man before her to the duo that traveled with him, locking onto the playful one. With a hidden smile she nodded, "Aye - I am a lady." She chuckled softly. "But I am also many things - but for now, and for then - a lady I suppose is the proper word to describe me."

Her gloved hands slid the cowl back from her head. From the decades of shifting, her body had acquired certain traits that it seemed not to want to let go of. Her hair was thick. It was a long brown mane entwined in a long braid and clasped behind her head. There had been times she had cut it, but the time that she had spent amongst the TaintedWinds as a wolf - she had gained the never ending ability to grow long hair.

An oval face surrounded tear-shaped eyes that had once been round. The color - as blue as the ocean. Between transitioning between different breeds - wolves, panthers, and the like - her eyes had pulled in the traits of all of them. At times they would reflect deep green, or bright blue - or even an intermixture of both.

Very few times had they been completely black. Those very few times had been the bad times in her life.

"Everybody belongs somewhere - sir." She paused for a moment, her eyes locking firmly on his. "I belong here."
He wasn't too fond of the fact the woman simply answered him with a question at first but there was no telltale sign of that fact. There was a lingering smile upon this man's face, perhaps a tacit hope that this was not just simply another confrontation he would have to endure with strangers. Patiently waiting until he saw the opportunity to respond, his hazel gaze glazed itself over her uncovered features. She was...different to say the least.

"It must be quite a delight to return to where you belong. You seem rather travel weary. I hope you find peace wherever your feet tread."

He smiled and then began to back away from her, Cryssin running past his Master with a certain enthusiasm while his Master took his previous position. The sleek skin of these creatures and it's glossy detail was much more noticeable now as Cryssin bounded closer but maintained a good distance away from the woman and her horse.

"What else are you? Are you one of those people that can change into other things? Ooooh! Ooooh! Does that horse thing next to you change into another lady?!" Talons tapped against the rubble of the floor while the creature sat cross-legged while he waited for a response.
She had ducked back when the flare of light died out, she then returned to the window with a single match clutched in her hand. Leaning as far out as she dared to, she watched those below her, noticing the one who broke away from the others and moved towards the castle. She could hear them speaking, it was a low sound by the time it reached her ears, but she could make out the conversation clearly enough. The woman could hear her inner voice, but the man and his companions did not seem to hear her at all. They did however respond to her “Spotlight”.

She called out from the tower to the creature moving towards her, her voice drifting through the thick shroud of fog.
“Best not to move to quickly and watch where you step, there are a few sinkholes between you and I”

Leaning back into the room so the wind would not catch her, she struck the match and once more, pushed the light, but this time she had direction and a clear image of what she wanted the light to do. The tiny flame danced away from her lips and moved as if with a life of its own, flickering here and there, the torches at the castle gate where the first things the flame touched and set ablaze, traveling further out and down into the city it touched down on candles both small and large. Tell at last there was a weaving trail of candle light that led from the fountain to the gate. She then called out loud again.

“Does the light help?”

Still watching the figure closest to her she reached out with her mind to brush the woman’s thoughts.

“You feel like life, like the once great prides of this land. You feel some how familiar….And your beast…*A deep sigh tinged her tone with a mix of wonder and loss* …It has been so long since I’ve seen such a wonder…"

Laughter tried to bubble from her lips as she listened and watched the beast speaking to the woman and horse...Such child like playfullness was sorly missed in the darkness.

"Is it just you who hears me in the night air M’Lady?
"It must be quite a delight to return to where you belong. You seem rather travel weary. I hope you find peace wherever your feet tread."

She nodded with a smile. "I appreciate your kind words sir. I wish the same for you as well."

"What else are you? Are you one of those people that can change into other things? Ooooh! Ooooh! Does that horse thing next to you change into another lady?!"

She laughed aloud this time, revealing the sharp tinge of fangs that no longer retracted from the years of shifting. "Aye. I have the ability to change. But alas..." She patted her horse's neck. "Diablo does not. He is merely - " She paused looking to her stallion with a troublesome smirk. "A Horse." That statement gave cause for the horse to grunt, stomp the ground, and snort furiously. Shaking her head she looked to the creature. "We understand each other, him and I. You could say that we belong together - that we are a part of each other's existence." She enjoyed talking to the small creature. It had a life in it - a childlike brightness that she'd not seen in quite some time. "I've been to a lot of places over the years and seen quite a few things - but I must confess that I've not seen anything such as the likes of you."

Just after she spoke, she saw the illumination that led up to the castle. It warranted an invitation. Though it might have been a road to the pits of hell with the castle's door being the very gates of death - she hadn't expected the simplicity and yet lovely light that glimmered in the night.

“Does the light help?”

“You feel like life, like the once great prides of this land. You feel some how familiar….And your beast…*A deep sigh tinged her tone with a mix of wonder and loss* …It has been so long since I’ve seen such a wonder…"

Laughter tried to bubble from her lips as she listened and watched the beast speaking to the woman and horse...Such child like playfullness was sorly missed in the darkness.

"Is it just you who hears me in the night air M’Lady?"

She enjoyed having these two conversations simultaneously. While she spoke aloud to the creature, she thought aloud to the voice, answering the questions in the order that they had been presented to her.

"Help?" Her head tilted in thought.

"It's kind of you to produce the light for our consideration, but I must confess that I see better in the night than I do in the day. It used to not be so, but now it is. I am a part of this place. I have been since the beginning, but then it all fell apart, and I've not been here for quite some time."

She wondered who the voice in her head belonged to. It had a familiar feeling to it - as a place would in returning home to it, but she didn't think it was someone that she'd actually known.

"I do not know if the others are able to hear you as well. It used to be that open thought was the way of the world. Everyone's minds are no so closed off that only voices are heard - and no thoughts. I do so miss hearing voices in my head. Tell me voice - how long has it been? How many years have passed since this place thrived with life?"

(OOC Notation: With the two and three person conversion - would it be better in the text if I replicated your words with colored text for each person, or is this easy enough for you two to read?)
(OOC Notation: Either works for me, though coloring sounds easier for us, more work for you. We need to drag in some stubborn people who are reading but not posting...*CoughMithCoughT* Waiting for Colvin with great hyper'ness lol)
With a bizarre kind of shudder, the Elsewhere opened up and spilled out the traveller; though his castle remained hidden.

Alvah Divabien, son of Vaidea and once Arch Lich Lord to Mahkaulth's faithful, slowly pushed himself to stand. Despite the grandeur of the titles he no longer held, having driven his silly little dagger into his own phylactery in a final act of defiance, Alvah wasn't all that much to look at. A slender half-elf with stark white hair, pulled back behind slightly pointed ears into a tail at the nape of his neck. He wore greys, bizarre almost, they appeared splotchy and gave his clothing the appearance of something stained. At his left hip was sheathed a sword; Rebirth he called it, symbolic of his turn from darkness.

Well, not so much a turn for darkness as a new life in darkness. The thought brought forth a rather self-mocking grin. For a few moments he dusted his clothing off and glanced about for a while. Oh gods, this place looked familiar... and he'd learned fairly recently that familiar generally meant people who didn't like him very much.

He breathed deep for a moment. Ayenee. Great. First Oaru; then Silo... now this bloody place... His eyes, cold and blue, fell to a few figures not too far away from him. With a slight roll of his shoulders, he began his way toward them.

Today can't get that much worse.
Lorna continued to step, moving in such a pattern that it evinced a certain knowledge that not many would assume such a brutish looking creature might have. Black sleek muscle rippled with every movement and yet his footsteps would be hardly noticeable. Lorna and Cryssin looked very similar to what some realms called imps but the features they held were far more defined and almost human. Green darted out in the direction of where the light originated from again and it became clear that he had a good idea of where the individual was. Whether or not this fog was magical in nature, there were certain innate traits these creatures had that gave them the advantage in such an area. Lorna opened his maw, a deep baritone emitted from his throat:

"Why do you continue to hide yourself? We all know you have been talking to that other woman. Are you some remnant of this realm, lingering to entice anyone who comes along?"

Back near the fountain, Cryssin listened to the woman easily noticing the fangs which prompted a spirited reaction "I have sharp fangs like that too!". The creature showed an entire set of them as he opened his maw. The snort of the horse and its rough stance was practically ignored as great focus was given to the fanged lady.

"Not many have seen creatures like us. Master said we were the only two of our kind but we found more creatures like us a while back. It was fun...."

The creature got distracted by something but it was not clear what as he just stopped speaking.

The robed man continues to sit down and just relax, not expressing any indication that he was aware of the woman at the castle. It seemed he was content letting the other two handle things. His staff, however, shot up into the air and disappeared into the darkness above. His enigmatic visage just continued to look up as he rested. No reason to do anything else if he wasn't needed it seemed.
“Time passes so oddly here, I’m not sure…it could have been a year ago…or a decade…I’m sorry, I just don’t know”

She could not understand why the creature could not see her, for she stood in the window with enough light to give twinkle to her emerald gaze. Her brow furrowed for a moment, she was starting to think this one might not think her acts so kindly. Best to make things clear when in doubt.

“I stand in the tower window, I’ve not hidden. I send light to guild you past the pitfalls, but nay, I am no remnant seeking to harm…. I am just the last of mine and I hope if I’m hear long enough I will see this place awaken….*Her tone questioned*…Are you…Seeking to harm?

More, she felt another flame of life flicker in and stay, hands clasped to the window frame, leaning as far out as dared, her hair danced like dark waves in the wind and her hope grew brighter. The beasts roar prompted her to speak out to the woman again….

“M’Lady, since you can hear me, might I ask that you speak to the gentleman about his companion…I mean him intentions towards …Well *Her words faltered*…He is so very serious…a wee bit scarily serious…and another has come into life in the dark behind thee…Calm enough gentleman it seems”
He hadn't really been paying attention to where he was going; having become lost in his own thought. The most prudent of which went something along the lines of--"how the hell am I going to find my way back into the Elsewhere?" An obvious, but crucial one. Without any real power he had no way of dragging it open...

With a shake of his head he stopped, voices. Had he taken complete leave of his senses? Without so much as a shuffle, he'd pressed himself against a wall allowing whatever shadow available to fall over him. There were a few of them there. Now that he was paying attention he could see them. Though, whatever they were talking about escaped him.

Stood there then, silently cursing to himself--when he ran out of words, he started inventing new ones.
(OOC Notation: I will be using the following colors for the following characters - if you want me to change them, please let me know. I chose the lighter colors so that they would show up easier against the black background. Tristan - Grey for the Elfish, Syn - because your character is light, I think white is appropriate. Colvin - you've already established Orange and Green for the Impish ones - your robed man seems a highly respectable character - would blue suffice for when he speaks? As for myself - I will use purple. It's a color I've always used with this character's text speech throughout the time I've used her. Please let me know if you would like the colors changed. :))
It seemed that since the moment she'd decided to return to Ayenee, the pull hadn't just spoken to her but to others also. She knew the moment that Tristan had been dropped onto the land. She smelt the stranger's scent with the aid of the constant chilled air that rushed through the area. Though she knew he had come, she didn't turn to address him. She was currently in the middle of two conversations - about to be three.

"Not many have seen creatures like us. Master said we were the only two of our kind but we found more creatures like us a while back. It was fun...."

She smiled. "A long time ago, I had some friends like you. Well - they didn't have skin like yours, but they were playful like you. They also had sharp teeth." She nodded."Those were some great times." She took a step toward the creature and knelt down on one knee to address him. "So - why in the world have you come here - to Ayenee?"

“Time passes so oddly here, I’m not sure…it could have been a year ago…or a decade…I’m sorry, I just don’t know”

“M’Lady, since you can hear me, might I ask that you speak to the gentleman about his companion…I mean him intentions towards …Well *Her words faltered*…He is so very serious…a wee bit scarily serious…and another has come into life in the dark behind thee…Calm enough gentleman it seems”

"I remember a time when harm was prevalent here - even warranted. Perhaps that's what brought the destruction of this place, but regardless - when you have a society filled with different creatures - harm is bound to happen consistently. If you would like, I will ask though. It couldn't hurt to know whether or not I should be on guard."
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