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This is an open plot hosted by Hoshi about the as it travels between Ayenee, the SARPiverse, and beyond…

OOC Notes

OOC Thread is here.

Pacing is frequent, multiple times a week.

RP Rating is 2-2-2


For the crew roster, go here!


Originally made to dismantle an enemy theat of Yamatai, the YSS Kaiyō I, a Plumeria-class Gunship, rose to the occassion with Teien Eden at her head and a crew determined to end the tyranny of evil Yamatai faced. After a good many missions facing the enemies of Yamatai, which were not few and far between, the YSS Kaiyō I traveled to a parallel universe to Yamatai in which Eve had risen to power and the crew met their counterparts and were captured by them. They were then rescued by an All Knowing being and their quick wits and perseverance got them back home, but not without destroying the Plumeria.

It was then the YSS Kaiyō II was constructed, a Fuji-class Gunship and the second of its class to be made by Yamatai. Mission after mission, it fought hard and well with a new captain, Taiyou Hoshi, and Teien Eden as XO. Its crew was admirable and even took on a few civilians, diplomats, exchange officers, and creatues throughout its time.

In YE 40 of the Yamataian Calendar, the YSS Kaiyō II crew uncovered an secret not only of one universe, but of many… Project Star Princess ended abruptly when the crew they had stumbled across AvaNet Avatars and a Transuniversal Teleportation Gate. The rest of the project was supposed to bring them to Hanako's World where an Amphora of unique design and inherent abilities lay, but upon uncovering the exact occurrences, Star Army Command halted the Project.

After a Transuniversal Teleportation Drive was installed on the YSS Kaiyō II, the ship was now ready to become more than it ever had been. Now it would be under the posting as a Transuniversal Explorer.

They are based out of Fort Miller.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created by Hoshi on Fri 12-01-18.

ayenee/plot/kaiyo.1515968270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/14 14:17 by taiyou_hoshi