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Fusion Keys

Fusion Keys aka Driver Keys are magi-tech items to activate the Drivers.


The structure of a key is a long, thin spike with protrusions around the sides. They often have a blend of two colors to match the active element/concept represented on the key. They often glow when near an active driver and host, but often times remain large, useless heaps of metal when not used within a driver.

Inside the transparent key is a gel-like substance surrounding a large crystalline substance in the middle. When the driver key is being used, the gel substance becomes a liquid, flowing through the driver. It is noted the key has no holes or vents, so it is unknown how exactly the liquid enters the driver. Eventually, after initial transformation, the liquid returns as a solid layer on the crystal, preventing the user from re-transforming for a little while before returning to it's initial primed state.


When inserted into the back of a Brace, It creates a large set of armor for the user, greatly enhancing movement, resistance and mental capacity for the user. Unfortunately, this also requires the user to have a certain “Fusion Level” to perform the actions without becoming irrevocably altered. This element prevents most ordinary people from using the driver, though with augmentation and exposure, they can safely handle the driver. Certain people exposed to the key can also directly phase it into their body to become unnatural monsters, representative of the elements within the keys.

Key Types

OOC Notes

This page was originally created by Zwei Hawke on Sat 10-02-18.