When, if ever, are you truly happy?


Okay the basis of this reflection is this.

"When are you, if ever, and if even possible, truly happy, both with your life and with your friends and family and with how things look in your potential future."

Now to better organize this into points, let's put this in a number system.

1.When are you most and truly(and you have to be honest) happy with family? And if you are, does there ever come the time when you fall out of that said happiness?

2.When are you most joyous with yourself? and when does it seem that your life is looking rather blue?

3.Do you take things as they come, or give things as they take time?

4.Do family and friends mean more to you, or would you prefer to be a loner in search of that mysterious fountain of youth?

5.Do you have arguments with any of your friends or your family on a constant, regular basis? and if so, then why do you continue to argue?
Is not friendship or family more important then petty arguing?

6.(This question is directed towards the moderators and administrators of this community) Are you happy with ayenee? Are you happy with your postion and current "job" ranking? Is there any other moderator(if possible) that you'd like to comment on or would like them to change something about themselves? Do you consider yourself a professional moderator? Is there anything about Ayenee.org that you do not like? Is there anything about ayenee.org that you admire the most? Do you consider your "duties" to be difficult or easy? Do you consider your opinions carefully? Do you think there is anything that makes your life as a mod easier? Do you consider yourself important, rare or flexible? Do you consider your goals in .org to be on par with those of the other moderators? Is there a specific technique to dealing with problems that you find is helpful? Do you consider yourself a friend to other moderators? Is there a problem that you have faced and had to second guess yourself upon? And lastly on this question, Do you consider yourself happy as a moderator? or are you unhappy due to stress?

7.If you had to put yourself into any quote you could choose, what would that qoute be?

8.Are you happier in the morning, afternoon or night?

9.Is there actual, true, peace in your life?

And 10. When, if ever, do you decide that the time to rekindle a friendship, is needed?
Okay the basis of this reflection is this.

"When are you, if ever, and if even possible, truly happy, both with your life and with your friends and family and with how things look in your potential future."

1.When are you most and truly(and you have to be honest) happy with family? And if you are, does there ever come the time when you fall out of that said happiness?
Well the happiness derived from my spending time with family tends to occur during the times of great personal achievement within the intellectual, social and family sphere. For example, if I do especially well with my university coursework(and earlier on at high school) I derive much happiness from that...and even moreso when my family praises me for those efforts for which I worked so hard on. When I get along very well socially with family members and others outside the immediate family sphere I am especially happy with family. As for when I do fall out of that happiness, its generally when I've had a disagreement with parents about something or another or conflict within the family.

2.When are you most joyous with yourself? and when does it seem that your life is looking rather blue?
As above really, in regards to personal achievement within the social, intellectual and social sphere. Except this kind of happiness is more personal and kept away within myself...and sometimes expressed in a variety of ways when online. If I'm looked upon favourably by many people that I know in rl and online I feel a surge of happiness. It's good to be liked by so many at the present time. However, when I'm most blue is when I'm not favourably looked upon by the people I care about, and when I've done something out of character in regards to actions and so forth. It is hard not to sink into self-pity when blue, but its just the natural urge to do so I guess.

3.Do you take things as they come, or give things as they take time?
A bit of both really...I moreso tend towards towards giving, as that brings me much happiness...moreso when the receivers of my giving are happier with me because of that. Though I am adept at handling some things as they come however.

4.Do family and friends mean more to you, or would you prefer to be a loner in search of that mysterious fountain of youth?
Search for the fountain of youth and waste your life away wishing you were younger than you are or someone else? Thats really not for me, as I actually try and live my life in the 'now' instead of the 'wishy-washy daydream world'. Family and friends hold a great deal of value for me personally as they make you what you are and who you are. I'm especially proud to be associated with my current band of family and friends.

5.Do you have arguments with any of your friends or your family on a constant, regular basis? and if so, then why do you continue to argue?
Is not friendship or family more important then petty arguing?
I'm generally not one to be inclined to argue with friends and family much as I'm not too keen on confrontation in my normal state of mind. However, when I do, I can get rather volatile. I generally tend to forgive fairly quickly though, as I hate to be in a bad mood with someone for long. Friends and Family are valued much more highly in my eyes than any sort of petty useless arguing....I generally feel ashamed if I've gone too far with arguments also. If I'm convinced totally of a position, however, I'll only go as far as a compromise of sorts. Friends and family no.1 for me!

7.If you had to put yourself into any quote you could choose, what would that qoute be?
'I work hard and I party hard'

8.Are you happier in the morning, afternoon or night?
With that one I would have to say that I'm happier with night as I'm a night owl and all. I'm all for sleeping in and making the most of the time towards the graveyard hours to get stuff done before hitting the hay.

9.Is there actual, true, peace in your life?
There's really no such thing as true peace, as there's plenty of distractions in our daily lives, but I would say that I achieve some semblence of peace when all's well with life in general, with family and friends, and when I'm hiking in a place that I love visiting.

And 10. When, if ever, do you decide that the time to rekindle a friendship, is needed?
Only when I've resolved any issues regarding my friend shall I move on with friendship...as friendship is very highly valued with me.
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First I must ask you to define happiness, do you mean absolute happiness with all aspects of the universe ? If so how do we classify happy from sublime, or pleasure ? Perhaps we should look at the concept of looking for happiness to being content with in all things could that not be qualified as happiness ? True happiness I suppose is an issue for me for I do not think I have ever known it, because even at the moments that are the most vivid and joyful in my memory there were things I disliked. I would say the only time a person is ever truly content or happy with everything is when they are too young to understand the world around them, when Happiness means being warm and full and hearing their mother sing them to sleep.

1.When am I most happy with my family......I do not know being the youngest sibling of three, happiness has always been watching my brother being beaten up by my sister for beating me up. I know I have been happy with my family as a whole once and that was when I was very young, I believe I was three, my father was cutting limbs off the apricot trees in the back yard my mom was reading a book, and my brother, sister, and I were piling the limbs of the trees into a fort. Other than that singular memory there has always been at least one thorn. For me being falling out of that happy place just happened with time, one sibling or another having a problem with the other or myself, my father yelling at me, my mother slapping me. There are always things that just happen that cause moments to shatter.

2.Joyus with myself.....I could make a very crude comment, yet I'll leave it alone. I take it you mean being proud of ones self. For me that was the first time I was on stage as the lead in my first High school play. My Family was there and it was the first time I heard words of praise from my father. Life looking blue......Any given Sunday work for you ?

3.I am lost by this question if you mean do I accept things that happen and not throw a fit, then yeah, very mellow.

4. WHAT ? no no...Okay I guess that just is worded strangely. Would I prefer to have friends and family or be alone for the rest of time. Hm Well I would say that living for the sake of living is a waste and with out family and friends that any moment of happiness you could attain would seem hollow if you knew of what a family or friends were like.

5.Yes, my father, and because he wont drop the fucking issue. It is and once he accepts he's wrong all will be fine.

6. Am I happy with Ayenee, do you mean NewAyenee.org or do you mean Ayenee as a whole ? Because I am happy with NewAyenee.org as it is growing perhaps slowly but it is growing, and it has Rp happening much more than it happened back when it was just Ayenee.org.

If you Mean Ayenee the concept then yes and no, because there is much I would love to change about what has happened to Ayenee, such as the User room problem, peoples view points , and the often number of porn bots that float around.

Am I happy with my position ? No, as SJ said its lonely at the top.

Do I want any of the mods admins, senior mods to change ? Hmmm no because they all keep me in line in one way or another. I do wish some of them were around more often, but that's something that will happen in time.

Do I consider myself a professional....yes and no. To be a hundred percent profession you need to focus only on the goals you have in mind and follow every thing to get them. I had that drive at one point but after taking the seat of ultimate cosmic power I noticed every move I made would be judged either good or bad not as building steps, that made me angry and as such I allowed some emotion to be part of my admin style and that is unprofessional.

Anything I dislike, well I do happen to have issues with the holiday lull in Rp around here, but again it happens almost every year, unless someones really unhappy with whatever gifts they got.

I admire the community of our forums, truthfully no other community I have visited or been a member of has such a comfortable feeling to it. That feeling of fellowship along with the welcoming attitude of our community is personally what I feel is the most admirable quality we have here.

Are my duties easy or difficult ? Both, I make decisions that either make me look like an ass or a hero, all dependent on who's looking at what time. I suppose the actual duties are easy but handling the way some will react is difficult. And Yes I do consider my options carefully, my opinions are not allowed in my judgement.

Anything that makes my life as an admin easier, yeah all of the Mods and senior mods who work their asses off so I don't need to.

As for myself I consider myself flexible figuratively, literally absolutely not.

For my goals being on par with anyone elses I am not certain I can answer that because I am unaware of any goals with in the communities staff.

As to specific techniques for handling things I find asking others is often a good strategy, often times I ask people who have been around longer than I and played the admin/mod game more than I.

I like to think of myself as a friend to the rest of the staff with exception for SJ, because he would get pissed if I claimed him as my friend.

As for second guessing, every decision I make I second guess myself on, and I keep second guessing until everything is said and done. I hate to only see one side of a problem so I try my hardest to see both or all sides of the problem.

The last two sub questions to question six, I will answer with a simple yes.

7. One should act in consonance with the way of heaven and earth, which is enduring and eternal. The superior man perseveres long in his course, adapts to the times, but remains firm in his direction and correct in his goals.

8. Night by far although I am a fan of dusk and Dawn, that moment between evening and daybreak perfection of serenity.

9. No.

10.This is a question I feel does not follow with your basis of happiness. However I shall attempt to answer it as best as I can. When a friendship is broken first that needs to be mended by the one who destroyed it. There is always a final blow something that makes the small cuts and cracks finally give that needs to be worked on first. In my opinion trust is the essential part of friendship with out it there is no friendship, thus if trust is lost then trust must be restored. Then and only then is there a chance of restoring friendship. Restoring trust however is difficult because once it has been broken the fear of it being broken again is always present. Anyhow friendship can only be restored once you have healed the wounds that caused the friendship to end, after that its merely a matter of time and willingness from both parties to accept it.
1.In all honesty, My family and I have seen good and bad times. What makes me happy with them, is that we attempt to stick together.
Boy, lemme tell ya, there are people in my family that drive me nuts. Absolouteley positiveley crazy!

2.When are you most joyous with yourself? and when does it seem that your life is looking rather blue? So far I've been most joyous with myself after winning a very difficult game. If I'm blue, it's usually either cause I'm really sick, or I'm slightly lonely for some..fellow companionship of roleplaying caliber

3.Do you take things as they come, or give things as they take time? I give things as they take time more so then anything else.

4.Okay this question, probably gave you the "Huh" questioning. What I meant by fountain of youth, was searching for the mysteries that life delievers. I'd pick both.

5.Yeah I've had my share of arguements, Recently a couple of moderators and myself haven't been seeing eye-to-eye, but that's all in the past. it's all back on the up and up.

6.I honestly don't need to answer that, since I directed it at the moderators.

7.I got three quotes for ya, "Live long and prosper" "With great power comes great responsibility" and an Ullery quote which would be. "Gosh darn it all, The nails are broken, Now I gotta go get me some supplies to fix this here cotton frackin, rackin trackin, matackin door!"

8.Are you happier in the morning, afternoon or night? "The night. I totally live for nighttime."

9.Is there actual, true, peace in your life?"yes on every sense of the word."

And 10. When, if ever, do you decide that the time to rekindle a friendship, is needed?

"The time to rekindle friendship is the single Utmost moment when that friendship shakes and quakes! To rekindle it, one needs to look deep within oneself in order to understand the complexity of the problem and react accordingly to correct it."
Life is too complex to ever be truly happy with every aspect of it. The trick is to focus in on what does make you happy, and forget everything else for a short period of time. That allows you to enjoy a short burst of happiness. Just don't let that burst become an addiction, because then you end up ignoring anything that doesn't make you happy, and that just leads to bigger problems.

I don't care to take the time to fill out the questionaire piece, but I'll skip to #6 since it seemed relevant to something beyond the above general answer. I'm also assuming since you directed it to this community's mods and such, you mean ayenee as far as it regards to these forums and this community. See my replies edited in below.

6.(This question is directed towards the moderators and administrators of this community) Are you happy with ayenee? No. Are you happy with your postion and current "job" ranking? Yes. Is there any other moderator(if possible) that you'd like to comment on or would like them to change something about themselves? I'd like Mith to be perfect. Barring that, I'd like him to never make a mistake that cannot be repaired. I'd like Itacelis to be around more often. I'd like Ceros to crush a glass bottle and chew on it. Do you consider yourself a professional moderator? Only when I have to be. See previous question about Ceros eating glass. Is there anything about Ayenee.org that you do not like? The fact that we lost the domain still grates on me. Is there anything about ayenee.org that you admire the most? I admire the tenacity of its inhabitants. Do you consider your "duties" to be difficult or easy? Varies from one duty to the next. In general, I consider myself adequately equiped to perform them as expected. Do you consider your opinions carefully? Consider my opinions carefully? No. I'm a shoot-from-the-hip type of person. I form an opinion quickly and dish it out. However, I am flexible when it comes to revising my opinions, if there is evidence prompting me to do so. Did you mean consider my options? Yes, I do. Do you think there is anything that makes your life as a mod easier? Quiting would make it very easy. Aside from that, no. My particular role doesn't come with too many complications though. Do you consider yourself important, rare or flexible? Yes. Do you consider your goals in .org to be on par with those of the other moderators? Yes. Is there a specific technique to dealing with problems that you find is helpful? Duct Tape fixes just about everything. Biting sarcasm and wit takes care of the rest. Do you consider yourself a friend to other moderators? Not while on duty. Is there a problem that you have faced and had to second guess yourself upon? No.And lastly on this question, Do you consider yourself happy as a moderator? or are you unhappy due to stress? I've got no complaints.
*re-reads sj's post three more times.*

Well then, I thank you very much for taking the time to answer question Six Sj.
1.When are you most and truly(and you have to be honest) happy with family? And if you are, does there ever come the time when you fall out of that said happiness? I have, by technicality, three famiies. I'm happy when my mother is sober and my grandfather is in decent health. I am happy when my step-son (I'm getting married on March) is smiling and playing, full of life, laughing like little boys should. I'm happy when my almost-husband is in a good mood and worry free. I find it almost impossible to be happy when he isn't. I'm happy when Dave's mother isn't stressed. Although, when stressed and angry, she not only puts a sailor's mouth to shame, but she makes the BEST rants!

2.When are you most joyous with yourself? and when does it seem that your life is looking rather blue? i'm most joyous with myself when I fix something for the better. Like working with the developmentall disabled, or putting cold rags on my almost-husband's forehead because El Nino is making it feel like spring in New York in January. =) I'm not-so-chipper when I fuck things up and I let my insecurities in the way.

3.Do you take things as they come, or give things as they take time? Yes. I do a bit of both. All of the problems that get thrown in the form of spiky balls towards my head, I tend to take in. If it's horrible, I take an hour to grieve and then I throw on some boxing gloves and hope that at least someone is in my corner.

4.Do family and friends mean more to you, or would you prefer to be a loner in search of that mysterious fountain of youth? My family and friends mean pretty much everything to me. I'm usually at my mother's every weekend to assist her when she needs help with my old grandparents and cleaning her house. This weekend has too much going on.

5.Do you have arguments with any of your friends or your family on a constant, regular basis? and if so, then why do you continue to argue? When I argue with my friends, we can go for days. But it's usually a bull sort of fake funny argument. When it comes to my almost-husband, I always back down (save for one or two occasions here I KNEW I was right!) and when it comes to the "tribe that raised me" we're both bull headed and don't like to back down. We can go for DAYS. It's a dominance thing.

Is not friendship or family more important then petty arguing? It's more important. I just tend to find people who, much like myself, like a good argument and/or debate. It keeps you on your toes.

7.If you had to put yourself into any quote you could choose, what would that qoute be? "I'm so cool! Too bad I'm a loser." - Bare Naked Ladies, Falling For The First Time

8.Are you happier in the morning, afternoon or night? Night time, with a star full of skies and a moon to light the faces of lovers'.

9.Is there actual, true, peace in your life? At least once a week.

And 10. When, if ever, do you decide that the time to rekindle a friendship, is needed? I get these dreams. They have old friends or people I don't connect with as much as I used to involved in intricate plots. It's my mind's way of telling me to call someone and go out for chai.
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