Well oh my


New Member
It has been years since I departed Ayenee, but I had no idea Yahoo had taken out it's chat section, I had always figured there would be people kicking around to check in on now and again. As I have been doing every year or two since I left.

Most of you might not remember me, but names like SJ, Sinful, Mythradxxxxxwhatever stand out in my mind and a few other names I happened to read, such as Lim Dull, I seem to remember him fighting against the Jin in the big space fight that was going on, I myself played out the Braxis forces that helped cause so much troubles with them. I used to be the Tech Board Admin, I mean back in the days of Twink and Matrix Tech Board.

The days of the E-Jin and The Darkness(Steele, Donovan, etc) constantly fighting and pissing people off on the boards(site powerup boards that is).

The days when Jacob Snicem(sp?) avtually tried to create Ayenee Capital City with his giant corperation and his giant RP sessions he had, proud commander of his security forces I was.

Now that I look at it, it was a small group of people that interacted throughout most of those plots and made for a goof time.

Well seeing as Ayenee seems to unfortunatly be in her final life, I hope you all prove me wrong of course, I guess I can stop checking in on the name Ayenee for a long time.

I hope I am wrong and she makes a come back.

Oh and nice site, pretty simple the way I like it. The Kellendel site was still the best though.

The_Cat_and_Mr_Smith(from the old chronicals page I helped with)
And so many others I forget half of them.
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I believe I had a few runins with you, nothing substantial though. Short passages of time, nothing more.

Either way, welcome to the board. Hope you can find something that suits you. ANy questions feel free to ask.
glad to see you finally found you way back home, Devon.

You mentioned you recognized my name, so I guess I can skip the introduction. For this particular incarnation of Ayenee, I'm the local tech admin, so if you have any problems of that variety, please do feel free to stop over at the Support Forum and let me know, or shoot me an IM.

I also run a few games over at the TableTop forums, so if you are interested in that brand of play, let me know, and I'll see what we can do about hooking you up.

Other than that, look around, find something you like, and hop in. If you don't see something you like, start something, and you'll find plenty of players.
