Well Hello Thar!


Lone W0lf
Hey Everyone. My name is Nalya and was made a Moderator prior to the near end of Rp, well at least here that is . Like so many others RL had took it's choke hold upon me and reality had taken over. I was absent for some time but Ayenee n the joys of Rp were never forgotten. When it was possible I would pop in and think back to the fun days that once were n the friends I had made here. It always stuck with me and the want to return nagged at me constantly. Now I am aware that, like me, you all have probably experience pretty much the same thing. Well finally I decided it was time to try n come back and get back into the swing of things. I realize it will be difficult to contribute as much time as I once did, but I think any attempt is better than no attempt at all. So I am reaching out to all of you who come by out of curiosity just to see if any signs of life excised. Well her it is, CPR has arrived and I ask that if there is still the tiniest flicker of want within you, get those juices flowing and give in to the want, need, and desire to participate once again.
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*Waves*...WB to the public life lol ...I'm already working in my head how to drop my char into the plot line you sent me via PM..So I'm in!
Great. I am thinking anyone can join this and go along with their own plot within it. They don't Have to make contact with others if they do not wish to n just go about n don their own thing. I wanted it locked only temp. until we can get the ball rolling.
woohoo, I found this account and could still get into it. Perhaps I will throw her into the RP too.
Hey there Huni, it's good to see you again ((HUGS)) . Good luck with the job thing and you come back when you have the time. <3
It went very good, and I just have to wait till after the weekend before the GM tells me her decision. She's having to make calls to da islands and old bosses to follow up on my references. I'm crossing my fingers. I seriously need to work again. Two years without a job is definitely scrambling my brain.
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