
No I just don't know how to be .....tactful when looking at such pictures....I'm kind of an insensative prick.
heh, well in all fairness I've been without decent access to internet for a while. And yay a picture! Lora's due May 20. Does your kiddo want to know the gender?
Okay, well it looks like a tube made of goo taken by a amateur photographer at a carnival.
lol. interesting observation there, Mith. and trust me, a boy will be payback enough.
Went to hear the heartbeat today but the baby wouldn't sit still so they did another ultra sound...Couldn't tell the baby's sex yet but it was kicking and hitting like a pro in there... Ahhh, a little payback!
She says she can feel flutters every now and then.......
For those interested I will be posting the new pic when uploaded!
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