The Internet Cafe OOC Thread

So, Gem could have probably had her own chapter in the anarchist cookbook. Except she'll run out of supplies if she can't get to a gas station soon.
She needs *looks at inventory*

Tampons, some cleaning thingys, a container of bleach, some gasoline, pink panther insulation, cinnimon, and a twix.And a traveling sewing kit.
*looks over at aleita* There's still the chance of interaction if you want from there. We haven't left yet!
Aelita, you should join our wayward team! Me with my hate of vampires/werewolves for eating my parents and molesting me, Ullysaurus for being chased by piggy men, and you with your distaste of being a human monkey servant. We'd be a happy group of misfits!
Gemet, it would appear you miss-defined my character. Granted though being what you stated is still better than portraying an ass. But kudos on your persona, a job well done.
"Gemet, it would appear you miss-defined my character. Granted though being what you stated is still better than portraying an ass." That part.
My, someone's touchy. Forgive me for my choice in dialect. But at least I'm not calling anyone unimportant. However, if you have a direct issue with myself, I gladly welcome you to address me in the form of a pm, or even email. *grin* I'll try to tone down my "badass attitude" for you.
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