The Big Game!


So, what are you guys doing for the superbowl?

I'm heading over to a friends house, where we have monster subs coming in with buffalo wings and watching the game in high def on his nice shiney new TeeVee!

Da Bears!
Cajun brauts with chips and cheese. Mmmm...

Go Bears!!! (If the Bears were not playing I'd be for the Colts seeing that I'm from Indiana... But the Bears are playing so =P)
My wife is so glad that I'm not a sports fan. The most interest I have in the game is who is playing, that's it. You guys enjoy the game, I'll enjoy spending the day with my wife and watching movies. :D
All I know it involves my Colts T-Shirt, a Peyton blow-up doll, and a LOTTA beer!

ZOMG IS MAYU!!!!! *waves furiously* Hey there, how ya been?

Anyway, I found this picture and I just had to keep it and share with everyone. :)

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I watched one touchdown before I went to bed, and spent most of it thinking "why doesn't he throw to the guy in space at the other end of the pitch", eventually he did three downs later or something, and they scored.

I don't really like American Football.
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