Summoner's trouble's

The Grand Summoner

Sniffer of Corbans' Coattails
My irl brother just died.................Dude, I can't stop crying. I'm stuck here cause they took my car and my phone. I'm not even joking. I just left Roger offlines and a few others.........I think I'm gonna get all my money back which includes 1,300 and leave this country to restart myself...........I can't be here anymore..........

He was 11 months older than me: my guardian pretty much. I' m sure Joey from Ayenee is talking to Bill right now. They are both god sent people. True individuals that never judge...........If you don't remember Joey from Ayenee...Then you aren't Ayenee..........Just saying......Let Bill know that I still say R.I.P. Joey and constantly think about you.

I think I might try to go to Europe.....I can't be in America anymore.
Josh, I moved these two posts to the appropriate forum which is the Peanut Gallery. I am sorry for your loss and do sympathize with you for the hardships that you are facing, and I do wish you a lot of luck in getting through them. I know it is hard having faced many hardships myself, including loss of loved ones.

Despite the hardships that you are facing, please remember that the lobby is for greeting new and returning members of the boards, and not for continued conversations and revelations of events. The Peanut Gallery is the appropriate place for such topics and postings. We have warned you multiple times to please post in the appropriate areas a few times now. Any future violations will result in further staff action.

Thank you.
For what it's worth, man, you've got my condolences. I'll pray for you. Take it one day at a time. God bless, man.
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