Spam on my Cell Phone


Well, after fighting the Spam war for years on the e-mail front, I've just been attacked from a new angle.

My cellphone buzzed at me about 20 minutes ago, and waiting for me was a chain-letter inside a text message. I checked the source number, called, and asked to whom I was speaking. I was asked who I was in return. I explained that I just received a text message from this number. They replied 'Well, good job, Dick Tracy.' I again asked who I was speaking to. They asked who I was. I said 'Look, I just want to know if you sent this to me on purpose, on accident, of just picked me at random.' Then they hung up on me.

SO! I called up Verizon Wireless, the cell phone provider, and reported the number as sending harassing text messages. I get charged extra for these messages. I didn't want to pay extra for a chain-letter message.

They informed me that they were flagging the person's account and if they saw any other activity, they would deal with it.

So, My Fellow Ayeneeans... Has this happened to you? What did you do about it? I'm pretty sure that chain letters are illegal. I want to smack this person hard as I can for bringing Spam to my cell phone. I'd file a lawsuit if i could. Yes, even for a stupid spam letter.

Anyone got advice about anything else I can do?
I've had a really strange random text every once in a while like that... but I suppose I've never actually persued it to the point of calling anyone about it.

I love that they were all snotty to you, though. *snickers* That wouldn't be funny if it happened to me.

false alarm...

It was my best friend's idiot of a girlfriend. She didn't tell me who it was when i called, and I ended up reporting the account.

Now I've got to go take the flag off their account, because she was too stupid to say 'This is Rose' when I called and asked who it was that sent me the spam.
Okay there were so many British phrases in that I had to read it twice. *snickers*

And I'm sorry, SJ, but that's still hilarious. She totally deserved having her account flagged, too. Well done, old bean!
actually, its kind of shitty for my 'mate' (using the english term, not the north american term) because her phone number is actually part of his account, so he was the one who got flagged.
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