
The Grand Summoner

Sniffer of Corbans' Coattails
So, let me approach this subject with truth: we are self aware..........Yet many other creatures are self aware, correct? Look at elephants! They based their evolution off naturalism; while, we based ours off self destructive learning- technology. They were here so much longer than us. Where is the missing link?

Where am I going with this? Who believes that evolution was correct and who believes that evolution was nothing more than an alpha male beta male "smackdown?" Why has the tree been here since day one ; and yet, never once utilized and reduced the environment by its presence? Yet the egotism of the supposed supreme(humans) have come and became a cancerous growth? Taking and taking and never giving back, till the need of the whole forced a few to select the cause?

All that I know is that there was a basis for sporadic intelligence. What was the source of sporadic intelligence? Why are we so divine compared to the rest? Why are we the only ones capable of perception? That is ignorance. Evolution evolves all tied to the one...............Now....Let's hear your thoughts.

Not a big deal, mind you. Didn't go too deep. Just wanna have something to smile on. Let's discuss those philosophies and welcome others. Give me a reason to come back and finish my other posts.
Well some one would say it is because we humans are not only self aware, but also self centered and posses free will...In the case of everything else, we are the only ones who contain true evil. Nature has no sense of good or evil, just a will to survive in what ever manner they can, passed down generation after generation,occasionally gaining new skills here and there, while we humans learn new things year after year....But because we contain not only good but evil intent with thought, instead of us all learning from the past some continue to repeat the past, just in different ways...Thus making things better and worse at the same time...I.E. The phone...Once we had to travel to speak to one another and yet communities and families where tight, now we have phones, both land lines and cells and instead of using this easy method to stay in touch,we have grown farther apart, distancing ourselves from others, when one would think that with such ease to interact we would have grown closer...
OK, not sure if I made my point or if I sounded like a lunatic lol, but there ya go!
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