Role-play Authorization?


Resident Badass
Alright not to point out an individual, but...ummm.....Rhysis....


So I logged on to see if there were any more posts after mine in "The Enigma Continues." I see..a post by Syn, and a post by...Rhysis?

Didn't he disappear like four months ago?

Which brings about the question: If the role-play has progressed forward after someone has gone in-active, then shouldn't that person be required to ask the people whom he/she/it up and left, whether or not they can continue?

~Sits, staring, just dumbfounded by the action~
Um... If its your plot, then sure, you can require authorization.

If its not your plot, then they don't need your authorization to post.

I don't think that answers your question though.

Funny that this actually relates back to my question of what happens to a plot after its owner leaves?
I don't believe that it's Rhysis plot. When the thread was broken off of Anna's, I believe it was Colvin who had initiated the thread, and the idea.
Well, In my view its a relatively simple Matter to handle. You consider him a re-emerging character of course if everyone in the rp is opposed to having him there then you can tell him theres no room at the inn.
Yea, I don't see the problem, myself. If Rhysis does have an established character, and is ready to dedicate some time to him/her/it, then I don't see a problem with him playing.

Disclaimer: My opinion is given as a sideline observant. Not a participant. Take it for what it is.
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