Quote This


The Street Samurai
This is a movie quote game.​

I'm going to quote a line from a movie. You either have to:

1.) Reply with the movie the quote is from and (if possible) the character who said it.

2.) If you don't know either the movie or character, make up what was said immediately before the line was said.

Then you quote a movie, and the game continues.

For example:

Joe posts: "May the force be with you."

Jane responds: "Star Wars! Obi Wan Kenobi said that. Okay, 'Jumping Gigawatts!'"

Dan responds: "Back to the Future!"

and so on, and so on.

This is an easy one!

"Tonight, we dine in HELL!"
Immediately before that line was uttered, Martha Stewart was seen on screen setting a place for a family of 4. We then cut to a scene outside the house and we see a young lad being ushered by his parents towards the door. He turns to his little sister and recites the quoted line just as his mother rang the doorbell. As soon as the last syllable faded into silence, the door opened, and Martha invited them in.
Thats from :A Few Good Men

Voice One: Why?
Voice Two: It would be bad.
Voice One: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, "bad"?
Voice Two: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Voice Three: Total protonic reversal.
Voice One: Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Voice Two.
Ghost Busters, the first movie. A momentary conversation between Egon and Venkman, joined in at the end by Stantz before they attempt to capture Slimer in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel.

"Your incomptetance has become taxing."
The Covenant.

"Check it out guy, he's the alpha male of the store... chicks always go after the alpha male, they're like lions... kings of the desert. And you, you're just a little tiny fieldmouse dangling in the teeth of the lion while he's banging your chick. Oh wait a minute... boxboy, you're like the little hairy nutsack on the little hairy fieldmouse swinging back and forth while he's banging your chick..."
employee of the month

" it's a 106 miles to chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a packet of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses, hit it "
Sounds like something from a bad Beetlejuice knockoff, but I'm going to guess Leprechaun. Not the first one, but the second?
I wanted to make sure that it was correct. Letsee, next Quote:

Voice 1: Dad and his mysterious phone calls.
Voice 2: What the hell do you mean by that?
Voice 1: Nothing. You're just always making these weird calls in back rooms and pay booths...
Voice 2: You little snot-nose! Those phone calls put you through college!

Need another hint?

"Serpentine Shelly! Serpentine!"
lmao The Inlaws... old movie, great movie though!!

1st Person: To kill and be king, is that all?
2nd person: Perhaps not even that.
1st person: You strike me with words hard as steel!
2nd person: You betrayed the Duke. You stole his wife. You took his castle. Now no one trusts you. You're not the one. Give me the child. I will protect him.
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