OOC Thread for The Awakening

I know the feeling you have lol it's called "My rp brain is awakened!! Let's go!!"...like Nalya said...feel free to post out of turn...maybe do a fade back in time post...telling about how he got here and such..
OOC Comment moved---

OOC NOTE: Spartan if this is going to throw chains in what you had planned for the Legions of Lizard Men and the Kharzai then I will redact it. Just thought letting everyone in on the thoughts Matron lapsed into would help some. Matrons back story and Timeline as he developed in Ayenee is coming soon to the OOC thread to explain how he has access to all of this wacky stuff.
Yes Madi, I finally posted. {Grins and fades.} I hope its not too much though. Something that might scare your group, but also attempting to scare the lizzard man legion with a creature of very ancient times.

{Edit} On a side note, the Shadow Dragon form will not stick around very long as you can read in my post, and its one that I won't use often, only when absolutely necessary. Back-story info will come in time with each successive post. {Grins and fades.}

To give more of an idea of appearance:

A size reference, the size of the Scorpion's Shadow Dragon form compared to a full grown adult human:

This is what Scorpion's Shadow Dragon form looks like in appearance, yet its fire is actually black instead of appearing like normal fire:
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Sounds good and I already read. Looks good so far. {Grins.}

I stickied it for you so it would not get lost and would be good for quick location and reference.
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*Dances*...yay! ..ok, now the bad news...I gotta bail tell monday!!...

Umm, guys? Where are the posts? I can't find a dragon...*Is blind?*
I see your post T, now both of them lol will delete my orig. n repost it
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Okay. I don't know if ya'll think this is end game or something.

People, this story has barely started. But, if you want me to pull out the big guns, I will.
I knew this was not endgame. My arrival just happened to be a big flashy one. Well I did come in when a big legion was descending down upon the group. {Grins.}

I can for one say that just because an rp has a huge event that is happening at the moment, it does not make it an endgame, it just is a moment of excitement for everyone to get through. {Grins and fades.}
Dude, i'll be blunt. One guy conveniently has an army in his pocket and a dragon just showed up. This shit just escalated. Quickly.

And frankly, this throws a huge curveball in the direction was attempting to drive this story. There's no point in reading it when deus ex machina saves the day.
Alright, incase anyone comes to me asking me to decide how this RP should role let me say this. Yes I did start this RP but I had basically left it up to Spartan to run it. I had simply made a couple of posts along with Sinful just to get something up and running in hopes to bring some life back to this forum. Spartan is the one who brought life and a story line to it so all n all, it Is HIS to decide what n how it should go.
I'm gone from it. You don't have to worry about a momentary dragon, nor my further participation in this RP. You guys have fun. {Fades.}
You can join in and start your own story line within it. No one has to participate with others if they do not wish to. If you do though please make contact with whom ever and talk things out be for hand. Thanks and hope to see you rp'ing soon.

Thinks this needs to be repeated
Grrr this is upsetting me now lol... I could ask an Admin to make the Awakening a New board n whom ever can create their New beginning/s within it. Input please.....
You can leave if you want, and go sit in your corner and act butthurt, or you can actually take what it happening into consideration and ask yourself "Hmmn, how can I approach this with some level of tact and courtesy to the story without making it all about me?"

Yes, I play a lot of characters in this story, but I do so for the sake of story. Nothing more. This board is old, but attitudes and egos obviously haven't aged with it.

Don't like it? Tough. I'm not nice.
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