Oh - kay......What the Hell...


Resident Badass
Internet Flashback + the good 'ol' days + 'CAL'(Remember Council of Ayenee Ladies?) = me wondering what the hell happened? This place was roaring with life, RP, and people, and now it's dwindling down to nothing ever since it was hacked so very long ago.

I am rallying to bring this sucker back to life! Who's with me? I don't know about you, but I miss *opens arms wide* all of this.

Ideas? Comments? Suggestions? Let's figure this out, and get the 'real' Ayenee back to it's rightful glory!
I hear and feel ya Tiff....I think part of the problem is the generation of rp'ers don't do old school rp...It you have idea's lets hear'em!!
I, sadly, have nothing at the moment. I've been chewing on a couple ideas for how to get more people back here, but nothing seems like it'll pan out very well. I don't like the idea of trying to get people from other boards, but that may just be me.
{Looks at them all and points his finger at them in a small waving gesture} Well if some people who are already here started posting again, maybe that will help attract some life to this place. I will be the first to step forward and continue posting. Unfortunately I can't post till others finish their posts first {Looks to Rhysis with a "You know who I mean look."} :p
Tifferzzz....I believe I still have access to the old board. I'd be more than happy to hand it off to you should you so desire.

Vera, where ya been???

O' course, I don't come around ever either.

I'm thinking about starting up a 4-e game IRL soon, anybody played it?

I miss my e-haunts...:(
I vote Facebook group. I'll stay if you supply women and beer. This old crusty pagan needs his first love - good old fashioned RP jibber shat. o_O
V for ... vindictive! Eh that doesn't really fit. I'll come up with something.
'ello my old Friends!

Back in action!

I have a friend who currently runs an RP through a free site, but modifying anything in it is a pain in the ass. Do any of you know a good web-hoster that's easy to work with / modify / etc?
Madi I didn't think you were into eating women, this adds a whole new interesting level to my delusions.
Is now Tifferzz?


*Smaps Syn with her personal smapper o' doom, thereby reclaiming her Z, and becoming the 'Tifferzzz' once more.*

That's about right.
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