Official Testing Thread

To use a Table, try the following code, but replace <> with []

<table="head">head col1|head col2|head col3
row1 col1|row1 col2|row1 col3
row2 col1|row2 col2|row2 col3</table>

It looks like this:
head col1|head col2|head col3
row1 col1|row1 col2|row1 col3
row2 col1|row2 col2|row2 col3
Moved this to the proper test area, I thought Sj locked up the other one guess I was mistaken. Anyhow Whats wrong with your sig other than it seems a wee bit small ?
*eyes You carefully * What limit is over done ? If you post a link to your signature like to imageshack or something I maybe able to get it working or force Sj to get it to work.
It was intentionally small because of the file size limit when I tried to upload it larger. And then, when I finally got it small enough to get it to fit, it didn't show up for about 6 hours on my account. .org hates me.
lol yeah its like..19.5 KB, thats suucckkss..and my sigs arent huge..just some of them have animation and stuff..but damn..thats a small sig btw, hehe
Well the sig size was increased, it should be well over a hundred KB, so if you have a sig you would prefer over your current feel free to upload it.
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