My life as of late


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Well it's finally happened. Yes, that's right...Rhysis is about to be making some actual money! *pauses for shock to fade*

Okay now don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly going to be rolling through piles of hundreds...maybe pennies...hmm.

ANYWAY. But the cleaning company that my wife and I own has been getting several clients, and we'll actually be seeing the checks from them fairly soon. It means a lot of work. I've currently got nine accounts and I'm working ALL of them. Thankfully, Porgros is helping me at a few of them. To add on to it, the people at the corporate office are still trying to give me more accounts.

So yeah, it's busy, but it'll be nice to finally be able to say "no, I'm not one of the wealthiest people in the country, but yes, I feel financially stable."

YAY!!! Thanking God regularly for this one. :D
I am not of much help LOL I let him do 90 percent of the work I just stand around and drink water as I say "You missed a spot." LOL ;)
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