Just what in the hell is going on.


Resident Badass
I'm gone for two weeks and I come back and one of the people I normally rp with is 'banned?' While another person has offended a member that I've never met, for vulgarity that I've NEVER seen happen on this board. Now...we're all adults here, and regardless of the snide comments that would undoubtedly fit after saying that, I'm still obligated to grab my whip and restore order around here!

Seriously. Just what in the hell is going on here?
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the venerable Jai, Speaker for the Banned

(Alright, let's see if I can keep the façade of neutrality up long enough for this.)

Ullery was an on-par role player. He had spent many years in Ayenee, and in that time, he had done many deeds ranging from those which could have him revered and those which could have him reviled.

Unfortunately, his last act was one of revolting and grossly (and I mean those words in the most literal possible expression) demeaning behavior.

While it is true that such remarks as Ullery made have been made before, in public and in private, in jest and in judgement, the final reason for his banning is simply that he offended someone, greviously.

Therefore, the Powers that Be saw fit to banish him. So it was written, so it was done. If the matter is still open to discussion, and these actions are to be over-turned, it shall rest with the Administration.

Meanwhile, this humble Speaker has nothing left to say on the matter.
one of the people I normally rp with is 'banned?' While another person has offended a member that I've never met, for vulgarity that I've NEVER seen happen on this board.

I thought that was the same person? was there someone else I didn't know about who was being vulgar beyond belief?
Tifferzzz, I hope the Yahoo messenger message was able to clarify the situation of this matter at present.
It was, thank you. I had just received a message from Ullery talking about unfair judgment and that everyone's against him. I didn't know that all the transgressions were because of the same person. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
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