Just passing through...

LoL. Good to see you guys. I've been good. Just got a great message today that someone wants to buy some of my art as book covers, so, we'll see how that works out. The kids are doing good and so far life is pretty peachy. =)
I am an apparition rippling away into the web that is life...o.o or something nifty like that.
Yep. That's about right. I'm here off and on. I try to keep up, but, with two kids about to start school and another one heading into terrible twos, it's hard to make time for the intranet. (Yes, I misspelled it on purpose.) I mentioned something about the "people who live in the box" the other day and was informed that considering I use a laptop and with the advances in technology, I can no longer claim that "people live in my happy box." Bleah.
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