Immigration ?


The Administration Mage
Staff member
I got this in my email today and I think it brings up an interesting point, so I would like to hear what you all think about what it says and what its weak points are and what its strongest point is. So here it is.

Let's say I break into your house

A lady wrote the best letter in the editorials in ages!!! It explains
things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country
protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of
illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders,
might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay

Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these

Lets say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me
in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the beds
and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've done
all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest
(except for when I broke into your house)."
According to the protesters:

You are Required to let me stay in your house You are Required to add
me to your family's insurance plan. You are Required to educate my
kids. You are required to provide other benefits to me and to my family (my
husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and
honest,(except for that breaking in part)..

If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends
who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be

It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do,
and I'm just trying to better myself.

I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I
did break into your house.

And what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my
keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of
cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, I also DEMAND that you to learn MY LANGUAGE!!! --- so you can
communicate with me.

Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?!

Only in America ... if you agree, pass it on (in English). Share it if
you see the value of it. If not blow it off ... along with your/our future
Social Security funds --- and a lot of other things.
Interesting topic.

Alright. here's my answer to immigration...

A) lock down the borders. Don't let any new people come in.

B) Round up the people who are here illegally. If they have been here more than a year, working for that whole time, paying taxes, speaking the language, and NOT being a burden, then they can stay. If not paying taxes now, but willing to, then make them pay taxes and they can stay.

C) kick the rest out. We are not going to carry any of them on our backs. We are not going to learn their language. We are not going to make exceptions for them, if they cannot be a productive member of society.

The main problem with the little story above is that it assumes that all of the illegal immigrants are posing a burden. Not all of them are. If it would cost us more tax dollars to ship them all back wherever they came from, and track them down, than to forgive them one crime (the breaking into my house thing), then forgive them the crime and stop boosting my taxes.

I don't see how the writer of the article thinks we will lose social security over this. We only lose it if the new people who are made citizens don't pay into the system. We actually would benefit from having more people pay into the system, considering how many baby boomers are pulling out of the system right now. Hell, adding all these new tax payers might even help us out.

Disclaimer: I haven't done research on this, so I don't know for sure that it would or would not take more money to ship them all back, or to let them stay. I can only assume it would take less money to let them stay, because the illegals would be more willing to step forward on their own rather than force us to hunt them down.
George Carlin said it best...and I whole heartedly agree. If you want to live here, speak the damned language. That's like my daughter, she is in first grade and being taught spanish. wtf is that? They are saying next year, starting in Kinder grade, they are going to teach spanish as well. Know what... my kids aren't mexican, therefore, they don't need to learn the language. Instead, take out the no english speaking children from the classrooms and teach them english instead of trying to FORCE young children to learn THEIR language. Yeah.. i'm strong on the whole immigration issue. They should ALL be rounded up and sent home. All they do, and you can't say " not all of em " is sit around, pop out babies and live off of welfare. Do you know, a white couple, who NEEDS the assistance goes through more paperwork than an illegal alien? It's funny, a friend of mind brought home an application and in bold letters it states " If you are here illegaly, we will not report you " ... wtf??????? So yeah... onto George Carlin's Theory.. it's the best!

Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the border. When they catch an illegal immigrant Crossing the border, hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq.

Tell him if he wants to come to America then he must serve a tour in the military.

Give him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it. After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended this country. He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal patriot.

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves.

If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the canteen, rifle or ammo. Problem solved.
Short and sweet...
Both sets of my grandparents came from Italy and did it the -legal- way. When I asked my grandmother to teach me to speak Italian she said, 'You live in America, thats the language your to speak'.
Well, the big issue seems to be the language barrier. That and it seems that the "mexicans" are the only people being bashed. First of all, statistically, not all illegals who cross the borders of Mexico into America are actually "mexican." In addition to this, there is also the fact that not all "illegal aliens" crossed the border with the intention of remaining in the country illegally. In fact, the majority of them (at least the older generation) came over on visitor visas and simply never returned home.

In addition to that, when condemning illegals, keep in mind that recieving citizenship isn't the easiest thing in the world. It's actually a long, arduous process that involves tons of money, the ability to support yourself (even though you legally can't work in this country) or have someone willing to support you, and even then, you don't recieve citizenship. First, you must have permanent residency.

While I believe that there should be some sort of limitation set on the number of people who are allowed into our country each year, I also find it hypocritical for anyone to condemn another race for doing something that their own ancestors did years ago. Unless you are 100% native american, you have no right to bitch and complain about immigration considering that's what this country was founded on. And let's not forget how the white man stole the land from the native americans. That never seems to be brought up in discussions about immigration issues.

Let me state, for the record, that I am absolutely no authority on the matter. I know a little because it interests me, but that doesn't mean I know everything. Also stated: this is, once again, my opinion. And, for the record, I'm not a political person.

Now, for the language barrier: my husband speaks both english and spanish fluently. His mother, father, and two sisters are fluent in both languages. My daughter, who is classified as chicana, is learning both english and spanish. The point I want to make is this: appearances can be decieveing. Marco is teaching me spanish so that we can discuss things without people around us knowing what it is we're talking about. Marco and his mom and sisters and dad all do this. Just because you see a group of "mexicans" speaking spanish in public, doesn't mean that's all they know.

My mother-in-law's first language is spanish. When speaking in english, she thinks of the words in spanish and translates them. My husband's first language is english. When speaking in spanish, he thinks of the words in english and translates them. However, it's easier for my mother-in-law to speak in spanish and it's easier for my husband to speak in english. When with people who speak both languages, each will stick to the language it's easier for them to speak.

As for learning spanish in school, honestly, that's nothing new. I started learning french in the 3rd grade. I never use it. I would have preferred spanish simply because it's actually a useful language. At least I would use it every now and again.

And the point of this ramble? There isn't one really. I'm just making statements. If you get offended by what I say, well, that wasn't my intention.
Well put, though one part really struct out at me. The " So we can speak without anyone knowing what we are saying. " It goes back to the whole ' This is america, learn the language thing '. I find that not only rude, but inconsiderate of the country and it's people.

You do have valid points, and I hope it didn't appear as if I was singling out Mexicans, because i'm not. I happen to be one who thinks all illegal aliens should be deported back to their " homeland " lol. If you wanna make an HONEST go about being here, then great. Get a job, pay taxes and speak English. Become a citizen legally. Do it the right way.

Of course, you have those who came here the " right way " and then turned on the country. Case in point, the mass slaughter of 33 people at a college university. Such a sad thing. But they KNEW this dude had issues. Me, personally, would have rallied to have his butt sent back to Korea. lol. But then again, i'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to my opinion. Instead, you have Korea blaming US for this bullshit. " America has bad gun control! Only in America does this happen! " It's crap, plain and simple. Noone wants to take the blame for their OWN actions. Are we blaming all Koreans because one bad seed lost his mind? Nooooooo... so why should they blame us? lol Anyhow, I kinda veered off topic.. sorry :( .. back on topic!

This is always a touchy subject, and sadly, some people misread what other's voice as opinions. But I know we won't have that problem here, because we are all rational adults able to think without over reacting towards a statement! This is a great debate for sure.

Edit: Didn't notice the part about the Spanish in school. Yeah I took 3 years of spanish, but I took it in HIGH school, not elementary. And I am pitching a bloody FIT about my daughter being taught spanish. She comes home and will randomly start counting in spanish and it makes my skin crawl. I told her when she gets to highschool and want sto learn Spanish, if that's her choice, then that's fine, but until then, don't speak spanish in my house. It only pisses me off lol.
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Amelina, your wrong and you suck. You're stupid, fat, and ugly. Those are your good points.

((Just making you feel more at home.))

Ok, seriously...

I don't see why you have a problem with your daughter learning another language at a young age. I actually wish I had started learning another language earlier than high school. Its easier that way, and you are less likely to forget it. If I was you, I'd rather be throwing a fit that they are forcing the language learned at such a young age to be spanish instead of Latin. Learning Latin will basically ensure you get straight A's in english class for the rest of your life, and makes it stupidly easy for you to learn spanish, german, french, and a few other languages that are based in Latin later on in life. I can only assume its because you live somewhere in CA or TX or that area where latin american immigrants are rampant that spanish is the only option.

Learning a second language is a very good thing to do at a young age. But learning it just to appease the growing population of spanish speaking people is the wrong reason to do it.
I personally disagree with alot of things that were said here. From my own experience, and from what I know from friends of mine who came here 'illegally' or are still 'illegal' I have a huge bias against what is being said here. Oddly enough though, the only person I actually agree with completely here is SJ. He is right about the Latin, right about kicking out those who are not being of service to this country or have probably just gotten here.

Thing is that, I can sympathize with the people who do want to move over here to the U.S. The country itself had been proud at one point to be a 'melting pot' of cultures. Now, after this widespread paranoia about people who were not officially born here or have come in from other countries, they start actually enforcing laws that have been made ages ago and going on immigration raids. I personally hate it. Despite the fact that my parents are Puerto Rican and since its U.S. property we can come and go as we please, I have boatloads of friends that have come here from Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba and various other Latin American countries that would have possibly died if they had not done so.

I understand the opinions made here about learning the language. I get pissed off when I speak to a Spanish person and they cant say some basic stuff in English when they call me. I believe completely that if you are going to live somewhere then LEARN THE FRIGGIN LANGUAGE dammit but still, I dont blame people for not knowing. Some are so tied with their cultures that they dont believe they need to. Some people live in areas that are so dominant with people of their culture or language that it doesn't Miami, Tampa, even places like Las Vegas...Houston. Its interesting how some states and some cities especially are already dominantly populated by something other than Caucasean peepz. hah. Alright but in any case...if you are alright with people coming here and attempting to simply live an honest life then I doubt sending them immediately home will back that acceptance up there. Just a few years ago, this wasn't even an issue but now after everything seems to be shaken up is when people start complaining. At first I thought it a bit hypocritical on the U.S. end but meh...I was born here...I speak great English and fluent Spanish. I'd type more but I gotta get back to work.
My turn.

Okay. ILLEGAL immigration. Keep that part in mind.

Yes, the Europeans were wrong for claiming the land for their own. But, they did, now we live here and have established rules. For most of it, it's been several generations since our family moved here. Also for most of us, we have integrated biologically with the original native community. Now, if the illegals or their family have done so with us. Stay. Otherwise, go back to your craphole, sorry 'bout your luck, we have our own problems without you adding to them. You want in, do it legally like everyone else.
I'm not singling out Mexicans either. I think that anyone who comes from another country that doesn't speak english should learn and use english when in public. If they want to speak thier language in the privacy of thier homes, fine by me. But if they want to interact with the general US public, learn and use english.
I think everyone in America should be forced to speak one of the native languages. Cherokee or something. Just for the irony.
My Ancestors didn't take land from Native Americans, we got here via a boat, in the late 1800's if not in the early 1900's. My German and Swedish ancestors came here through the legal process did their family get ripped apart ? Certainly it did they left the father and a daughter behind they ended up in the German Cities that were in Russia. My family gave up their native language to be here, but why ? Well First off for easier commerce, as well it was what all the official documents and papers were written in. It was part of becoming American. I do not bitch about immigration, I bitch about illegal immigration.

Also who said it was a race ? Honestly I am still trying to figure out when a crossbreed group of Spanish/Portuguese/Dutch/African and the natives of South America and Mexico (Yucatán peninsula ) became a race. I think for the most part with perhaps some exceptions its not a racial issue in the first place. For me and my friends and family its about what's legal and what's not legal, and how the system is manipulated and forced to accept this crap. There's something to be said when a foreign Govt actually hands out pamphlets on how to sneak across the boarder into another nation illegally. If the family goes through the process expensive or not then they are American, if they do not then they have no rights in this country and should not be entitled to any of the supposed freedoms, or policies this country offers its citizens. Its also extreme bullshit that Govt institutions would not report illegal immigrants who are applying for certain programs left over from the Johnson & Roosevelt administrations.

As for the white man stealing land, yeah some did that everywhere, well three groups of them did it everywhere till it became really lucrative, the Spanish, the Portuguese and the Dutch. After seeing the cash that could be obtained merchants from England, Italy, & France joined in. Concerning the stealing of land from the Native Americans, that can be argued logistically that the land was not stolen but bought, or earned through wars, though this fails to be an entirely viable reasoning after the formation of the United States. Some numbers would be good at this point, when the English first came to North America there were roughly 10 million natives in the lands that make up the United States. In under two hundred years that population dropped to nearly 600,000. During the Rape and destruction of the Aztec culture they say that there were around 1 million Aztecs today you can only find 75 people in Mexico city that are not half Spanish or more.

The Language Barrier, you are correct I knew a few Mexicans who speak both very well, and I know a few illegals who can speak english well. Now this issue can be a hassle when you encounter someone who has lived in the United states more than thirty years and cannot say a damned word in english, because as I am sure, you are all aware the common vernacular and I believe its the official language in the United States is English. This is where legal immigration helps out, because you are or at least were tested on your comprehension of english, as well tested for contagious diseases.

Now I know that currently in Mexico there is a debate happening concerning illegal American Immigrants there, there are about 7,500 of them in one town who are being exactly like the illegal Mexican Immigrants up here. They are having the same debate, the issues are truly humorous side by side, but when you look at the numbers you cannot help but notice how one sided the immigration issue is When you compare Americans To Mexicans. However you did touch on an interesting point that not all illegal immigrants are Mexican, this is true, we could look to Cuba or Puerto Rico (The unofficial 51st state that's not really America) or we could look at even smaller groups of Asians, and middle Eastern peoples or even Eastern Europeans and Former Russians or even dare I say Canadians.

However if we look at the immigration from all those other groups Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Serbia, Australia, and the rest of the world, the majority a, substantial majority of the illegal immigrants are Mexican or from the Latin American nations. Mexican has become a catch all term for groups of people from those countries and islands for the same reason all the Europeans are called whitey. Kinda like the term Christian is a catch all for any group that thinks fondly of Jesus Christ.
Wow.. why downgrade? That's harsh don't you think? So, in essence are you saying that Canada is better than the U.S.? lol we all have problems, we all have things that are good and things that are bad. Noone is better than the other.
Meh....I'm not reading all of that Mith. At least, not until I get bored enough. Suffice it to say that my understanding is that you disagree with all that I posted about?

For the most part, my little post was directed at the scores of people that I encounter on a daily basis who look down on my husband and in-laws for immigrating and wasn't directed at any general person, including but not limited to Amelina.

I thought the topic was about illegal immigration in general, in which case, I would like to point out that my in-laws were technically "illegals" at one point because they immigrated from Mexico on a visitors visa and couldn't apply for permanent residency until that visitors visa had expired. Therefore, America forces immigrants to become "illegals" until they are able to fill out the paperwork and show that they don't intend to live on welfare for the rest of their lives. In addition to that my mother-in-law was informed that her degree to be a teacher, that she worked hard to obtain in Mexico, was invalid on American soil.

I don't hate America, but this country is completely screwed up and the systems that are meant to "help" people are corrupt. I just think we need a new system and until people stop bitching and start doing something about it, it's always going to be the same old shit. Again, my opinion.
I have no problem with those who come to America the legal way. Getting a visa and establishing a life for themselves, that's the way to do it. I do however, have a problem with those who come here and REMAIN illegal and dont even have the decency to speak english. If you are in this country, be you Asian, Mexican, French, Greek, so on, learn the language and speak it. Don't want us to know what your saying? Wait till you get home and discuss your matters in your own language if that is your decision. lol.

Illogical Reality.. I did not take offense to anything you said just so you know. :) Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should state it even if it does piss someone off. Freedom of speech is great that way. Also, I commend your husbands family, at least they did it right.
When I was in Canada, I was never worried about some college student shooting up his teachers and classmates with a semi-automatic pistol and a 9mm.

In Canada, if I have a problem with someone... a serious, serious issue, which cannot be resolved reasonably, I don't take a gun and shoot them. I ask them to step outside. We fight, like men, with fists. No death. A bloody nose is the worst case scenario. Whoever wins is declared to have the right opinion for the night, and then the winner buys the loser a beer. Thats how civilized society works. You don't go and fucking shoot someone.

I'll leave it at that.
Illogical, No I do not disagree with everything you posted. I disagreed with these points.

I also find it hypocritical for anyone to condemn another race for doing something that their own ancestors did years ago. Unless you are 100% native american, you have no right to bitch and complain about immigration considering that's what this country was founded on. And let's not forget how the white man stole the land from the native americans. That never seems to be brought up in discussions about immigration issues.
Meh....I'm sort of touchy on the subject of immigration for the simple reason that people in Louisiana (see backwater hicks who all talk like Larry the Cable Guy) have a tendency to look down on me for being white and being married to a mexican and they also have a tendency to be shit talkers. Bastards actually had the nerve to tell me I was "betraying my race" by marrying Marco and having his child when Marco and I first got married.

Regardless, because of the fact that I've learned the process of trying to get the paperwork to remain here legally, I can understand why some people would prefer to remain illegal and why some would even do it because they had no other choice. Of course, I do agree that if you come here you should contribute and be a good citizen and if you're not a benefit to this country, take your ass back to your own. It offends and annoys me when someone who has immigrated here starts spouting about how screwed up America is. Plain and simple, if you're from another country and you brought your ass over here because your country sucked, don't talk about how mine sucks or go your ass home.

And, Amelina, I didn't really think I had offended you. I just think we differ in our opinions and that's great, because without differing opinions we would be sheep and there would be no debate about anything. I don't think anyone here is a sheep for the simple reason that we are's not like anyone RPs for popularity. LoL. RPers tend to be the outsiders and the leaders and for the most part, are smart enough to discuss things least the older generation who didn't claim that they were seduced by the devil through RP to shoot up a school or something....idiot fucking kids....

Anyway, I think I've rambled enough. I shall return once my brain clears of sleep and the kid stops trying to stick my car keys through the dial-up hole of my laptop.
