HRP 5.5 - (We never did finnish 5)

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Rika watched Mion's labourious attempts to walk.

"Are you alright Mii?" Rika asked as Mion leaned against the wall. Her eyes grew large as Mion collapsed. "Keiichi! Keiichi! We have a problem! Mii! Wake up Mii!"
Rena took the momen to bolt out of the bushes as kei got distracted. For a few moments, her smile was evident as she almost began to taunt him. However, her words died on her mouth as she began to notice there was a problem.

Mion Had collapsed. The elder girl was quite pale in reality, but she a first didnt think anything of it.

Thus, she started to walk up to them looking at mion who had collapsed her eyes going wide.


((ooc: sorry i've been a bit slow, kinda sick and uninspired))
"Rena, you stay here with Mii. I'll get Chie!" Rika ordered as she ran off.

Damn it! What's wrong with Mii? This hasn't happened before!

Rika ran into the school and threw open Chie's office door.

"Furude-san, what is it this time? Class will be starting soon." Chie said as she stood up looking crossly at the girl.

"Mii's collapsed. You'd better call Irie," Rika told her before heading back outside towards the others.
Rena gave a small nod as she plopped down next to mion then gave a look to keiichi "What happened to her?!" she asked in a sort of anxiousness.

She had noticed that mion was coughing alot today but then she figured it was little more than just the regular things such as allergies and whatnot.
"MION!" Keiichi shouted as he approached Mion, "Hold on Mion!" Keiichi wanted to carry her but very unsure, "Damn, we should bring her to Irie!"
Rena gave a look at keiichi "Kei-kun...I can't cary her. I think its best if we wait for him to come to us. He is an adult and can handle her better...." she looked down at mion with a worried look.
"Damn it!" Keiichi banged his fist at the floor. "We have no choice then but to wait." Keiichi sweatdropped and anger fueled inside him.
"I had Chie call Irie," Rika said as she approached Mion.

Damn it! This hasn't happened before. Could this be part of what Hanyuu was talking about?

Rika bent down to see if Mion was still breathing. She was. Next Rika checked her pulse. Still beating stronger. Not knowing what else to do, she began patting Mion on the head.

"poor, poor Mii nano desu..."
"Keiichi," Rika said anxiously as she looked up at him. Her fear evident in her voice. "Mii will be okay, right?"
"Heh heh heh heh heh... hehehehehheh... Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh man!"

Mion had started laughing quite hard, and soon broke into a coughing fit. When she had calmed down, she slowly stood up, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry--- but hahaha, I couldn't resist. Watching you guys panic like that was great, haha. I'm alrioght, don't worry, just a little sick. It sure is nice to know I've got such kind and caring friends though, heh."
Rika stood there with a dumbstruck look on her face.

She's okay? I am....I am such an idiot. Hanyuu's got me on edge now. Gah!

Rika looked down at the floor.

"That's not funny. *sniff* I-I thought something was really wrong..."
"DAMN IT MION!!!" Keiichi shouted at Mion as his heart rate beated so fast, "I-I..."

Keiichi was silent and said, "You...had me worried do you know that?" Keiichi bowed his head.
"A-ah! S-s-sorry guys, maybe I did take it a bit too far."

Mion looked down at the ground.

"I really am sick though, y'know."

She glanced around real quick before saying, with a grin on her face, "Lunch time's almost over guys."
Right as Mion said that the principal walked down the hall.

"I guess there's no need to call Irie-sensei now is there?" He said as he rang the bell.

"Noooo!" Rika cried. "Satoko and Rena win now...."
"DAMN!" Keiichi stood up (he was kneeling) and the bell just rang.

"Ah well, at least I got a good laugh out of it. I shudder to think of what those two might do to us, heheh."
"Satoko already squirted ink all over me..." Rika said as she looked at the floor. "We'd better change before Chie kills us."
"Heh, you do look pretty messy. Alright guys, let's go." said Mion as she started to go inside.

She entered one of the spare rooms and changed back into her school uniform.

Hmmmm, maybe I was a little mean back there. I'll have to make it up to the others somehow...

She coughed as she started to think...
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I wonder where Satoko is? Rika thought as she started to get changed. I thought for sure I'd be able to hear her laughter by now....
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