HEX Domination, aka Réccin Khattir Erevez.

The Erevez

HEX Domination
Forgive the informality if I'm supposed to be in-character here, but for the purposes intended I'll keep it brief.

I am once again among familiar names, I see, which is a good thing. My name is Zack, one of Ayenee's oldest role-players. My old Yahoo! tag is HEX_Domination, which may be familiar to some of you. While that might sound arrogant to some of you, because I'm new here, it is the truth, and I'm only saying it because I'd like to reconnect with some of my old friends. I'm excited to get back into the IC realm with some of you (Corbin, Varsinax, etc.) and even meet new friends.

I play a character named Réccin K. Erevez, brother to one of Ayenee's most prolific and controversial super-villains and I'm sure even that is an understatement. From the destruction of the Tavern, to storming The Castle, I'm very eager to get my hands dirty again with an all new creative approach to an old Chronicle that I personally never finished. I left off as a moderator for the old forums alongside Paul, Corbin, and several others. I'll be catching up in the next few days, and should post something very soon. I've got the find the right thread, or possibly come up with a basis for my own. We'll see!

I look forward to reacquainting myself with Ayenee.
Welcome back to Ayenee.org Erevez, This section, the Lobby, is generally ooc so no worries on that point. I am glad you have joined and hope you shall jump in where you feel drawn. I can't say your names seem terribly familiar but then again my memory is rather flimsy on the best of days.
Hello, Donnie. :p

And... no, I'm not a part of this place. Just nice to see you're alive.

If you want to get back in touch, I have an AIM, but I'm not sharing it in this post. :V
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