Hello all

Heya, Mousie.

Glad you like it. I was telling Porgros that if you want to write up a character sheet you can, but it's not completely necessary. What genre would you be most interested in? Sci Fi? Fantasy? Modern? Western? We've got options galore. And, for the most part, all of us Ayenee old timers can play in any style you like.
{Grins as he comes walking out of the shadows with a walker and shaking a cane.} Who you calling old you whipper snapper?

{Grins and has the cane and walker fade.} Welcome to Ayenee both you Mouse and Porgros. {Grins.} On a side note, when I was trying to type Porgros's name, I wanted to type Progresso. {Grins and fades.}
Well I like just about all of them to be honest. Lol I agree with Scorpio it is hard to resist.
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Reading some of the posts I gather we write off each other. At any moment or how do we know when it's our turn.
Typically with a small group you try to maintain turns, but if you get more than 5 players or so, sometimes it's just easier to post when it seems available. I'm going to be starting a thread in Realms of Fantasy here in a minute. If Porgros doesn't forget he'll be posting in it, as well. You two have an interesting mix of characters so I thought I'd throw in another oddball and we'll see what happens. :D
Sure I'm In but a quick rundown on my character. Bram Carpatian who is a rogue with CQB and archery skills. But is most fortunate to be born with a partial or full metamorphosis of a werewolf at his command. he'll develop as the story moves on.
Well Porgros, from my standpoint, a lot of love soup, I myself especially. {Grins.} Gives that good warm feeling all over when eating a nice delicious bowl of soup. {Grins and fades.}
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