God, I wanna RP...


The Fiendlord
Lowthor, never grovel to me again! I wanna RP so f0ckin bad, man...

I didn't know this place existed. I've been havin' mad Ayenee withdraws recently - save me! *bearhugs Lowthor* Thank you mah boy! *hears something crack and puts him down*

It's probably me finally sitting down to read Interview with a Vampire, or talking about old school RP with real-life friends. I miss my ol' stomping grounds.

Time to post. Good to see you all again.

Mr. Ibis...oh...Magus_the_dark_prince
*Groans and holds his back*

When did I last grovel to you Magus? I don't recall any grovelling. Has Mith been grovelling in my name?

Good to see you back though.

BTW as our 30th member you get a free.. er.. hang on its here somewhere...

Here we go. Your free picture

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Magus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you here. Now that My groveling in Lowthors name has worked, please take a look around and enjoy yourself.
Hello Magus and welcome back. Yeah, you don't know me, I'm sorta new.
I haven't seen Magus in......*thinks* how long has it been now? three, four five years?

I can't remember.

Anywho, nice to have you back with us.

And just out of curiosity, who the heck is the guy in that picture dressed up as a stormtrooper anyway?
WB Ian. Glad to finally have you back. Now get your a$$ back to rp you ol' coot before Mith slaps you with a Koi. :p

I have! Already! Good to see you brudda!

*flexes in his sparkly new jacket* Shiny...merrf...heh.

What the hell is up Ullery, has it really been that damn long? Wow...

*glomps Madi* Merrifick. My word-of-choice describes you...silly kitty...^.~

*Ullery runs by catching the oncoming chibi doll*

WOOT! He runs he scores! *disappears through a side door*
Glomptastic Glorifications.


*noogies Slayer* I missed you all.

I come back with news! Revelations...

Role Playing really IS better than real life. Trust me. Order a pizza, find a chat room, and space. You're missing nothing.

*wanders off*
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