Fragment1 OOC:


Staff member
Fragment 1 for the Dark War has been waiting for posts and has still been left stagnent. I'm wondering when the two speficic people who wanted to rp this as well will show up and post. I know one of you is barely around due to rl, and the other is having comp trouble. Your names will not be mentioned. *COUGH*Mith*COUGH*Rhysis*COUGH** {goes to look for a cough drop}
The first three posts are good, and I'm waiting for a couple more from a couple people or a couple more days before I post.

Tiff, I greatly appreciate you taking up the role of the priestest. I was thinking of how to post about her.
Okay I don't think anyone else is posting, T. Whattya say we go ahead and move along and if someone's interested they can join later.
I posted a message in the absence thread, and instead of letting Fragment 1 become even more stagnent, during my absence I'm giving full control to both you Rhysis and Tifferz. You both just use your imaginations and create a good rp, and I'll be back soon to read and add more stuff. This rp overall is for everyone in general, so let your creative minds go crazy and make up new creatures, and overall stuff for this rp venture.

Hopefully more people can join in as well during my absence and when I return. Good luck.
Okay, I just left it WIDE open for someone else to join. The only thing that's been established for a new character is a humanoid mage. I haven't even determined a gender. COME ON people!
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