Flash Chat...


One step at a time. . .
I'm really begining to miss live roleplay. Oddly, the board just doesn't seem to work for me. I tend to have issues staying in the role when it's a day or more before the next post. I find I have to re-read the entire thread just to get into the frame of mind I was when I made the previous posts. Otherwise, it just doesn't flow.

I've got a little bit of time on my hands and I'm thinking, if it's not too short of notice, that I'm going to be in the Flash Chat later tomorrow afternoon or evening with the intention of roleplaying. I don't care if just one single person comes and no more honestly. (Though that would be awesome)

I've got a bit of a plot in mind, nothing special and deffinately cliche.

Totally free-form with the exception of staying "on topic"

I want to say I would arrive anywhere between three and five pm CST and probably stay in chat until ten pm or so. (with the exception of doing other things when no one is around and checking so often)

I'd like to try and be in chat all this week at those times and I think it would be absolutely awesome if a couple of you would pop in if you're available and up for a little live RP. Most likely a Tavern setting deep in a forest clearing. Call it a small trade-post/Inn. See where it advances from there and if it looks like the scene needs a little livening up, I've got a few ideas in mind providing the 'uber god-like' characters can be reigned in for the scene otherwise it would be over in no time and no fun at all. If neccesary I can dream up more details and most likely WILL come up with more details providing anyone shows interest.

Anywho, just some food for thought. Hope to see you there!
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