Drank Beer

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Trump laughed.

"Varsinax, I like you. How would you like to go on a ride, in one of my new vehicles?"
Trump grinned slightly.

"I've got some things... I mean... I have things you've never even seen before."
Trump made a phone call. A group of five X-wing starfighters landed on the roof of the building they were in.
Out of nowhere, an ambush of Tai Fighters storm with blasters blazing.

TIE fighters (starships) at the command of Trump, did fly to the area. They made short work of th Tai Fighters (oriental soldiers with blaster rifles). After the ambush was put to rest, Trump escorted
Varsinax to the roof.

"We got these X-wings from rebels, a lot like these poor souls."

Imperial Stormtroopers would drag away the dead bodies of oriental Tai Fighters.

TIE fighters (starships) would keep a patrol in the area, high in the sky, in case they were needed again. The defense of Trump, apparently, was a high priority and a matter of national security. Clearly, he was a part of the establishment and wasn't afraid to call the shots in Ayenee Capital City.
There were five X-wings, and each had a different color: blue, green, orange, purple, and red.

"Take which one you like."
What they did not know was that the now dead Thai Fighters were secretly aligned with the Ewoks who were already hidden on board the X Wings and Tie Fighters, acting like gremlins in the sabotage department.
Trump pointed at the X-wing with red markings on it. The pilot of the starship would exit the vehicle. It was a person wearing an Imperial uniform. The Imperial pilot waited for Varsinax to board the X-wing.

"Have some fun. If you like it, you can keep it. It's on the house."
Clinton Storm Trooper: "Your Majesty, the Veto Ray is ready upon your command."

High Empress Clinton: "Fire. I want Trump out of Office and in ashes."

A large blast erupts forth from the Deathstar with the power of Veto aiming to Void the planet and Trump.
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