Description/s within a RP


Lone W0lf
So what do you prefer?

Would you rather a Rp'er write out every single detail so you invision things the way they want you to?
Or, do you give just give bits and pieces and allow them to use their own imagination?
And then there are some who like using visual aide if a great pic can be found.

How do you roll?
Balancing act. Too much detail bores me, and when I get bored, I either quit reading altogether or just skim for action verbs; also, too much detail bogs down the game. Too little, and you run the risk of having two separate, parallel conversations, and the universe you're trying to create implodes when matter touches antimatter and the two stop making sense.

When in doubt, I'd rather you err on the side of too much detail.
I prefer a detailed post but not alot of words. Concise is a better term for it I guess. I catch myself getting very long winded sometimes and it grates on my nearves. However, there are some posts that need to be long!

But I do love foreshadowing!
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