Deli Sized Thread?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey Tiff,

I realize with the loss of a certain someone that there hasn't been much opportunity for progression with the deli thread. Are you interested in picking up where Katarina and Marcus left off or no?

If so, I would encourage others to join.

If not, I'll move it to the archives.
Tiff, Leo, sorry for the delay in posting. I'll get to it as soon as I can focus on something ... well, something else.
Yeah, I just got home from visiting muh gurl in pensacola.. then going back to gainseville to help my sister move in to her new university housing... so X_X its been a bit busy over here... but I'll post eventually.
I'm going on vacation soon, (a day or two, not sure when, exactly) If, by the time I get back, nothing's been posted, we'll just post around you Leo. No offense but I like this story.
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