Concerning the WoD Forums


Brood Commander
I notice there's not a lot of activity on there. For over a decade, I drowned myself in White-Wolf's RPGs and consider myself pretty well-versed in most aspects (canon, style, mechanics) of all the systems. I'd like to get a thread or plot/storyline going on there but I'm wondering how many of you are actually familiar or interested in a story.
We won't need character sheets or dice for it, it can be a free story system.

Let me know what you guys think.
I was talking to a couple of people I've recruited to the board about possibly starting a WoD thread, as well. If you want to start one I'll join in with ya.
WoD? V:tM was where I first started RPing, though after the second Twilight came out, I'm leaning more to loving the Werewolf side of things. Regardless, I would be open to free-form WoD RP.
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