Blood Debt - Part One

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Yae Kisaragi

Blood Lotus Assassin
"Kill David MacCallister... That was my ultimate goal while employed with Epsilon One. Take the life of a dear friend to settle a debt with an organization that I owe my life to. It was in times like these that I always sought the guidance of someone who was detrimental in my upbringing. The one who taught me that honor was the driving force behind my family, and raised me to be the woman that I am today, and the one whom I owe my life to. I wanted to see mom. And since David and I were the only ones who knew where she lived, I knew that she was safe." --Yae Kisaragi

A motorcycle sped across country roads as if they were solid asphalt, sliding in a few spots but not more than managable. The rider, Yae Kisaragi, glared through her helmet towards the house ahead, a smile on her lips. She was almost home and Yari would be able to provide her with guidance and answers. The motorcycle rolled to a stop in front of the house and Yae dismounted, kicking the kickstand down to the ground.

The ninja assassin slowly removed her helmet and cast her eyes upon the house, but was shocked when Yari did not come out to meet her. More disturbing was the fact that the grass was not kept up and the house looked abandoned. Yae stepped towards the house, lowering her right hand to her 9mm Beretta. Something wasn't right. Every step towards the house brought a bigger lump to the back of Yae's throat. She didn't even make it to the steps of the house before she noticed a broken window, which prompted Yae to draw her pistol.

"Mom? Are you there?" Yae crept forward, clutching her Beretta tightly. The door was slightly ajar, and the stealthy assassin gently pushed it open. As light flooded the living room from the outside, Yae saw that the entire living room of her mother's house was in shambles and blood was strewn across the furniture. Yae shuddered and gasped, feeling true fear for the first time in a long time. But it was not fear for her own safety. It was fear for her mother. Yae raised her pistol, aiming into the living room, performing a quick sweep.

The trail of blood headed towards one of the back rooms, and Yae followed it until she reached a room with a locked door. The trail led beyond the door. Without even wasting time, Yae kicked the door wide open and fell to one knee upon seeing the source of all of the blood. Her heart throbbed, her eyes welled and every motion was seemingly blocked by erratic thought processes. Yae could not believe the sight before her eyes. Managing to stand, Yae dropped her pistol to the floor and staggered to the bed inside of the room, where Yari Kisaragi was bound to the bed posts, stripped of her clothing. She was stone cold, her skin ashen and bore several lacerations to her main arteries. Yari had bled to death, but why was she tied up?

"M-mom... no..." Yae screamed in agony as she cradled her mother's head in her arms. Every limb shook with fear and pain and her eyes continuously poured. The broken warrior buried her face into her mother's hair, her breath coming in short repetitions. As if hoping to find a sign of life out of sheer desperation, Yae checked Yari's vital signs only to find none there. She was panicked, but as she held her mother's body against her own, Yae felt something in Yari's back. Turning her head to look, she saw a bullet hole. It was at that point when Yae remembered the window.

Yae lowered her mother back to the bed and quickly moved away from the bedroom, her mother's dried blood encrusted into her fingertips. She became determined as she strode back to the living room. Many things rushed through her mind, among those things being questions regarding Yari's murder. Upon making her way to the outside of the house, Yae's eyes moved in all directions, in particular to the backdrop beyond the house, in line of the window. Although her emotions were running wild, Yae was still clear enough to determine many things. Of those things, Yae discovered that the shot was made either from close up, or far away, and the only place far away that couldn't be seen by an onlooker in the window was almost 2 miles away on a slight incline.

Turning her eyes towards the designated incline, Yae began walking towards her motorcycle, when she noticed footsteps in the dirt. Every alert sounded off in Yae's mind and she swiftly grabbed both of her UHF Blades. The tracks were fresh. Someone was just there recently. The assassin turned in all directions, trying to see if she could find anyone, and then turned towards her motorcycle. She had to get to that knoll and find out if her suspicions were correct. Disregarding her helmet, Yae took off towards the horizon, driving at a slow speed in order to spot anything that might be in the grass.

She reached the grassy knoll. The signs were there. Someone, and apparently a sloppy killer, performed a hit. Yae's trained eyes took in the scenery and, even though the grass had grown higher, she could see differences in height where someone was perched, waiting for the right time. A glint of sunlight reflected off of an object in the grass and Yae knelt to pick it up. She was surprised to see that it was a bullet casing, but the type of casing is what brought her to a state of shock. The round casing was identical to one used in a PSG-1 Sniper Rifle. Several thoughts rushed through Yae's head, and then she smiled.

"David must have been on lookout when the assassin struck..." David MacCallister was the only one who used a PSG-1 Sniper Rifle, so it would explain many things. However there was one itching thought that came to Yae's mind. Why did she not notice any other signs of an assassin in the area? Upon further inspection, Yae turned up a small data pad, which was almost completely blended in with the grass. She picked it up, brushing the dirt off, then turned the damaged item over to study the backing. Her eyes widened at the logo, and with lips parted in pain she spoke.

"Section... One? No..." Yae depressed her thumb to the data pad's main screen and the device powered up. Her thumbprint was immediately recognized, which allowed her access to it. After several seconds, a menu opened and Yae swiftly moved the scroll bar down to the "Last User Logged In" field. A name appeared, causing Yae to drop the device to the ground and take off running towards her motorcycle. The data pad displayed the name "Joseph" and a link to the Mercenary Guild. The link showed that payment was made to "Joseph" by "Blood Lotus Synd" for the assassination of "Yari Kisaragi".

A day later, Yae was standing on that same grassy knoll, staring towards a raised mound of dirt where a stone mound was visible. Yae was dressed in her old gear from her previous Blood Lotus Ninja days. Within her right hand was a tanto with an extremely sharp edge. Yae closed her eyes and then cupped the tanto blade with her left hand, swiftly drawing it through and slicing her hand open. Blood poured freely over the grave and Yae knelt towards it, placing her wounded hand on the stones. Tears welling in her eyes, Yae managed to speak.

"I swear to you that I will never rest until I bring him to justice." Yae spoke, her voice now stronger, and backed away from the grave. She showed no emotion, but her word was her bond. The Blood Lotus Ninja swore that day to take down the man responsible for Yari's death. Her evidence was there. She had every reason. She would not ask why. No words or quarter would be given to the man who now carried a death sentence on his head. She would not hesitate to kill David Joseph MacCallister, the former Section One operative who took her mother's life in a violent and vicious manner. David would die, or she would die trying to kill him.

David/Richie should be posting soon. His will follow this one. And later, Dominic will be posting a story. In essence, this is going to tie together all of the Assassin's Guild plots between my character, David and Dominic.

At that time, when all three posts are complete, we will engage in a final chapter. Only one player is coming out alive, and Rich has agreed to post it, no matter who lives or dies. We will be playing out the story IC at under The Keep. The room name will be "Capital_City_Showdown". Be there!
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