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I just got the book Big Eyes Small Mouth 3 edition. It is a multiverse anime based role playing system. Anyone care to play?
Here'd be the big question:

Does the book contain a link for a site or download for prospective players that covers the basics for said prospective players to learn the rules and generate starting characters without owning the book themselves (similar to the d20 SRD)?

If not, that probably makes things a lot harder.

As far as being interested myself... maybe.
Yes and no. The game runs off Guardians of order tri stat system. The core tri stat system rules can be downloaded 100% free from drivethru rpg. But the actual physical book will cost $20. However a free ebook version of BESM3e is available through torrents and google fu.
Well, I found a copy of the Tri-stat dX system PDF elsewhere (since Googling it hits an Angelfire site with it before that DriveThruRPG site), but I do see people talking about a "fast play" PDF for BESM 3e, but the only links I can find point to the defunct Guardians of Order site or another site that is now claimed by a domain squatter.

And I wouldn't throw torrent and free into the same sentence without quotes around the latter, unless you're talking about something like Linux.
Well, I'll still look for whatever free play PDF that BESM 3e was supposed to have, but I looked into that system you just linked.

Seems really simple, for a "pick up and play" kinda game, considering it's all d12s as far as I can see, and it pushes for players to have dramatic and actiony moments. Only issue I see really is the "Xps" system, which says to reward "3 Xps per session", but for a play by post game, it's pretty much all one session, so something else would have to be figured out for that, unless it would really be that short.

EDIT: Well, I found it, I guess, though it's 7 years old and, as far as I could tell, it doesn't cover everything that would be in the full books anyways.

BESM Fast Play PDF (hosted on MediaFire)
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Play by post games should reward XP per scene instead of 'session' That way your character grows through out the game. For example I woul;d probably just give everyone a level up after the first 'big fight' or 'important scene' instead of track xp.
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