Alcohol's effects upon a person's mind is unique from person to person, it also depends on their life situation. In truth, most alcoholics start drinking because of problems in their life and they turn to it to help them forget or cope with what is going wrong with their life. Others, it ends up because of genetics. Alcoholism can also be aquired genetically.

For me, my family especially my biological mother are all alcoholics. It transfered to me through genetics, and this addictive gene is what attributed to me succumbing easier to alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming my alcoholism on my family, it was all my choice to drink and how much. I just allowed it by my choice to get out of control to where it almost costed me my life. Alcoholism is also the only addiction where the withrdawl can and has killed. No other drug nor addiction has ever killed the person when they tried quiting. Yes they have made the person feel as though they would die if they quit, but alcohol can and does.
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