A pondering


Staff member
Haven't you ever noticed in any movie/show which has a vampire/s that you never fully see their reflection in a mirror?

Yes I know you're not supposed to see them in a mirror, but that does not mean their clothing as well. If their clothing is a part of them like the clothing of the vampires within Van Helsing, that I can understand. But there are shows in which the vampire obtained the clothing through regular means, even if from a 'blood donor.' That clothing is regular, yet why can't you see it as well within the mirror's reflection when a vampire is wearing it?

It's not supposed to be an aura or energy about them that would cause their clothing to vanish within the reflection as well, but it's stated that only them. The clothing is not physically part of their body, and it's not a vampire in nature. Now why can't we see it's clothing? We do see it when the vampire is holding and we catch a glimpse of the reflection, yet it vanishes when being worn.

Now this no longer just happens in movies and shows but has been carried outside of those entertainment means as well and into modern literature and have seen it done in rp as well. Now why oh why are the clothing not visible in reflection as well?
Haven't you ever noticed in any movie/show which has a vampire/s that you never fully see their reflection in a mirror?

Yes I know you're not supposed to see them in a mirror, but that does not mean their clothing as well. If their clothing is a part of them like the clothing of the vampires within Van Helsing, that I can understand. But there are shows in which the vampire obtained the clothing through regular means, even if from a 'blood donor.' That clothing is regular, yet why can't you see it as well within the mirror's reflection when a vampire is wearing it?

It's not supposed to be an aura or energy about them that would cause their clothing to vanish within the reflection as well, but it's stated that only them. The clothing is not physically part of their body, and it's not a vampire in nature. Now why can't we see it's clothing? We do see it when the vampire is holding and we catch a glimpse of the reflection, yet it vanishes when being worn.

Now this no longer just happens in movies and shows but has been carried outside of those entertainment means as well and into modern literature and have seen it done in rp as well. Now why oh why are the clothing not visible in reflection as well?

Maybe its magic. Like the invisibility spell in D&D, it wouldn't be much use if only the flesh and blood was invisible.

This could have been an actually thread to discuss it though.
Already split and made into another post. Thanks for the suggestion Lowthor. I was hoping for it to be something random, but it does seem like a good topic for discussion.
Maybe it that what the Vampire wheres it it becomes part of the vampire. just like they never seem to loose there clothes when the shapeshift. It could just be part of the vampires inhearant stealth, a way of making them less visable and easier to sneak up on fine young madiens while they are brushing there hair.
Thats an interesting point, like why does a victems neck not disapear in a mirror when the vampire bites it or what of blood remenients around the mouth ?
Generally you don't see someone getting bitten in the mirror. In fact I can't think of one occasion.
I think I remember seeing one in some vamp movie, just can't remember which one it was (Comes from watching way to many movies). It showed the lady standing there, being grabbed by the vampire, and then you seen the chick freaking out and 2 holes appear in her neck then some blood running down. The effect was pretty cool to see.
I recall that one as well and I thought it was Brahm Stokers Dracula, and I think it was Lucy, but I could be mistaken.
yes, I think it was that movie. But think of it though, with a vampires stealthiness of not being seen in mirrors wouldn't they be virtually invisible in say a hall of mirrors.
Hmmm Tis possible but so would the lesser played Vampiric shape shifting into fog in London, or the Colonial provindence from thier conception to present.
On a somewhat related note, I was watching a new series on TV called Moonlight, about a vampire private detective.

Apparently, their take is that while normal cameras can not capture the image of a vampire, digital cameras can do it without a problem. So far, no explanation as to why. Anyone care to theorize?
On a somewhat related note, I was watching a new series on TV called Moonlight, about a vampire private detective.

Apparently, their take is that while normal cameras can not capture the image of a vampire, digital cameras can do it without a problem. So far, no explanation as to why. Anyone care to theorize?
Two and a half months late, I know, but I'm guessing its the silver. Mirrors have been made with silver for a long time, and as far as I know, usually still are, and the film in standard cameras use silver as well.

My original thought was that, as some kinds of vampires possess a weakness to silver, that weakness may be apparent in a mirror by not showing their reflection. And since silver won't show their image in a mirror, the same would go with film. So if a digital camera didn't use silver, it could capture their image.

But I looked into it a bit and read that some of the beliefs as to why a vampire won't show a reflection in a mirror (still, made with silver) is that silver is incorruptible, and won't show their corrupted, soulless form. And again, that'd be reflected in normal cameras that use film with silver in it, but if the digital camera doesn't use silver, or another incorruptible metal, it could, in theory, capture a vampire's image.

Of course, that should mean their reflection would show up in other places, like off of plain glass and such.
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