
Don't they have things that you cover the horses eyes with (have no clue what I am talking about here) to keep dust or something from their eyes?
Yes but a creative person like yourself could easily rectify that lol
I found this image in the Smithsonian database. It's of Horuko Takagawa, which was a famous Horse Ninja from the Han Dynasty.

According to Wikipedia.org, Takagawa was known for throwing ninja stars, katana mastery, and sport jumping. Among other things, Takagawa was feared for his jumping and running abilities, and was apparently fond of swimming, days spent on the trail, and western saddles.

*Walks in laughs and ponders explaining the historical inaccuracies but decided to just laugh and wander off *
Maybe you should start RPing regardless of her status as mod babe...*shakes finger all playfully* I have no opinion on this mod thing other than....she will be good as a mod. The end....
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