

What are some of the plots that are alive and kickin right now? Its hard to tell sometimes where you can and cant jump in to a plot. And its a lot of reading also to tell where people are in that plot..help me out a lil?
I just got into the Hellwyrm thread, myself. As far as the other ones, well, I haven't been back long enough to know for sure. My theory is to look at the date of the last post and go off of that. If something was posted within a week, chances are good it's active.
The Recruiting Forum maintains a list of openly recruiting plots. Check in there to see whats open.

Edit: Now that I think about it, that really should be a sub-forum for this board.
Hmm. Did I or did I not suggest that at the time SJ?

Anyway. Hellwyrm is still open for players, as is Multiversal Aftermath (comicbook RP).

The Chaos Theory one is too I think, but its become somewhat inactive of late.
If you did, I don't recall it Lowthor, but I wouldn't be surprised to find you had already made the suggestion. Lets run it past mith and see what he says.
There are some Live Role Plays done in YIM conference sometimes. Standard tavern type setting. PM me or Jai(most likely me) for details.
Ahh the infamous live RPs I keep declining >.> I'm such a bastard ehem. Anyway, yeah there are 'active' Rps and then some larger scale plots which might not be so active. I'd be happy to direct you sometime...whenever I see you again on messenger.
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